History In Its Purest Form The Importance of Language

The Initiate: History In Its Purest Form The Importance of Language

When I first heard of The Earth Center, I wasn't sure what it was or of whom it consisted. My first encounter was in March 2004, when I was dining at a local restaurant and stumbled upon one of the Sunnyside newspapers. I couldn't help but notice the initiates who were being rewarded for passing the first level of the Medu-Myeet language class (the Greeks later gave it the name Hieroglyphics). All the initiates were gathered around Makeru (truth-teller) Naba with a look of excitement for their great accomplishments. The article did not only intrigue me, but the newspaper also captivated me. The variety of topics covered let me know that there was something special about this paper. I read the newspaper about five or six times before I finally listened to my ancestors and dialed the number on the back of the paper. I called and spoke to Bikbaye Inejnema about the upcoming classes and what was expected of each student taking the classes (Ka'at Ibi- Kemetic Meditation, Medu-Myeet - the first language spoken by mankind, and African Healing). After about an hour of questioning Bikbaye, I had to let him go, because it dawned on me that he was at work and couldn't answer my questions all day. I immediately drove to the Earth Center to purchase a poster of "The Original 77 Commandments." I expected to see Bikbaye, but the person who greeted me at the door was none other than the only Authentic Kemetic Priest outside of Meryta (Africa), Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig. I didn't expect to see him but was more than grateful to meet the man that was going to impart knowledge to me that 1 could not get from any other place on this planet other than the African Bush. From that day there has been constant growth in my brothers, sisters, and me.

The knowledge we are given in all  three classes is priceless. However, the class that started it all for me was the Medu-Myeet: the language that the Neteru (Gods) speak and the first language the ancestors of all humanity spoke. I told myself, "If this is the language of the Neteru then it must be powerful." The Medu language itself has well over 400 sounds and letters that carry their own meaning and express ideas and concepts. To some extent, all languages originate from Medu-Myeet. 

Experts say we only use one-tenth of our brain, which is true, but no one ever asks how we can access more. Speaking Medu is the way to use more of our brain. When certain words are pronounced correctly, they emit vibrations throughout our brain that allow blood to flow in restricted areas. When speaking this language you're not only giving yourself a chance to grow spiritually and mentally, but you also are saving your brain from shrinking. With the use of Medu-Myeet, you can tap into parts of yourself that you never knew existed. The slave masters knew the power of the Medu-Myeet language, which is why it was so important for them to take our language and impose theirs upon us. 

Taking the Medu-Myeet class has other benefits as well. For example, during the first half of the class, Makeru Naba gives a lecture on true history. This is something I never received while in the "educational systems" I've attended (all my life). One particular lecture that remains so clear in my mind is about the Pharaohs and the powers they possess. In ancient times, the Pharaoh not only ruled over the continent of Meryta (Africa), but he also ruled the entire world. (It takes four years for a Pharaoh to reach his palace because he goes on a spiritual journey across Meryta (Afnca), where he resides with local tribe elders, priests, and visits temples to be validated by deities.) The very first day of his coronation is the weakest point for a Pharaoh. His powers will increase each day of his journey due to the accumulation of powers from various sources. 

The Pharaoh doesn't attain power through conquering and domination. His power is gained first through his bloodline linkage, and then through "Divine Legitimacy." The very same day a Pharaoh assumes power, he also makes his funeral arrangements. Pharaohs and Kings don't die; they are killed for any signs of weakness they may show. They are the "spirit of the nation" and are expected to effectively handle any possible situation that may arise. 

Originally, the Pharaoh's reign would last four years. The reigning Pharaoh is usually killed on "World Renewal Day" the last day of the year on the Sidereal Calendar) if he is unable to prove his strength and power. Pharaohs live their lives according to the wishes of the Neteru (Gods), not their own. 

Without the true lessons of history, one has no way of knowing what the future holds. I'm thankful to my ancestors for leading me to Makeru Naba and my new family at The Earth Center. I also know this is only the beginning of something special and I did not end up here by accident. (Through hard work, discipline, and the application of the knowledge I'm gaining at the Earth Center, along with the help from my ancestors, I will continue to become a better person every day). Returning to my culture has been the best thing to ever happen to me.


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