Breast Cancer: Alternative Treatments For Breast Cancer

Harmonious Healing: Breast Cancer

Alternative Treatments For Breast Cancer

The number of new cases of breast cancer has increased by about 1% per year in the United States since the 1940's. According to reports, in 1975, there were 107 per 100,000 cases for white women and 93 per 100,000 for Black women. In the year 2000, just twenty-five years later, the number of new cases per year had risen to 141 per 100,000 for white women and 116 per 100,000 for Black women. During that same time, mortality for white women decreased from 32 per 100,000 in 1975 to 26 in 100,000 in the year 2000, but mortality for Black women increased from 30 to 35 per 100,000. Breast cancer has been publicised recently due to the large number of people falling victim to the disease. It is more likely than not that you know someone who has been affected by breast cancer (by having it themselves or experiencing it through a family member). The modern medical system is struggling to fully understand breast cancer, and, until today, the only treatment options are the same for every type of cancer: chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. 

Breast cancer forms when cells in the breast tissue divide and grow abnormally. About 80% of breast cancers originate in the mammary ducts (passageways for milk), and 20% originate in the lobules (spherical-shaped sacs that produce milk). Tumors in the breast tend to develop rather slowly, and sometimes a tumor will grow for ten years before it is discovered. The modern medical system distinguishes between two types of breast cancer: invasive and carcinoma in situ. 


Invasive breast cancer develops when abnormal cells break out into surrounding cells. The cancer spreads into lymph nodes and sometimes to organs like the liver, lungs, and bones. Modern science is still not clear as to how the tumor progresses - some think it starts out as a tiny tumor and grows, eventually finding itself into lymph nodes and eventually to other parts of the body through the lymph system. Others think that cancer cells can travel from the breast to the lymphatic system through the blood, spreading very early in the disease cycle. 


Carcinoma in situ is the term used for a cancer that does not spread to the surrounding tissue. Abnormal cells grow inside the lobules or milk ducts but have not yet spread - thus, the cells remain "in situ", or "in place". Carcinoma in situ is often referred to as precancerous conditions, because the tumors have not yet made it to the lobules and have not metastasized. They can develop into invasive cancer. 

Breast cancer is usually first suspected when a lump is felt in the breast or when a mammogram comes back abnormal. When either of these two things happen, further testing is required by the modern medical system to make a diagnosis. Additional mammograms or other imaging techniques are usually the first step, and if the findings still suggest a possible cancer, a biopsy is needed. 

A biopsy involves removing cells or tissue from the breast so that it can be examined in the lab. There are two basic types of biopsies that are used to diagnose breast cancer: needle biopsies and surgical biopsies. 

Needle Biopsies - tissues or cell samples can be removed from the breast by way of a needle. Core needle biopsy (cutting needle biopsy) uses a thin, hollow needle to remove samples of tissue. It can be done in a doctor's office if the area in question can be felt, but must be done in a hospital or outpatient clinic if the area is not easily located. Hospital core needle biopsies are more involved and involve using ultrasound or stereotactic mammography (a three-dimensional mammography). Fine needle aspiration, or fine needle biopsy, is the other needle procedure. A thinner needle is used, and this procedure is almost always done in a doctor's office. 

Surgical Biopsy - the most accurate method of diagnosing breast cancer. Whenever possible, the entire suspected area will be extracted from the breast, unless the area is too large; in these cases, a portion of the growth will be taken. 

If cancer is detected, there are options for treatment. Hospitals claim that the goal of treatment is to get rid of the cancer and prevent it from returning. Surgery is one option, and it can be done either by preserving part of the breast (and also doing radiation) or by having a mastectomy, removing the entire breast and some lymph nodes. 


Radiation therapy is available as a treatment option for women who have ductal carcinoma in situ, early stage cancer, or locally advanced cancer. It is also recommended for women who have breast-saving surgery. Because of the dangers of radiation, it is not an option for those with a history of scleroderma, systemic lupus, who are pregnant, or who have had previous radiation therapy to the affected breast. 

Radiation therapy is dangerous, as it can damage normal tissue. Each session lasts about 20 minutes, and sessions are held once a day, five days a week, for five to six weeks. At the end, a higher dose of radiation will be used as a boost. 

Side effects include a sore breast and fatigue. Skin can peel and some women have a puckering around the scar. The breast can also shrink. Lymphedema (swelling in the lymph nodes) can occur if lymph nodes are treated. Rib fracture, heart injury, radiation pneumonitis, and brachial plexopathy (nerve damage) are also longer-term side effects. Radiation can also cause a second cancer, such as leukemia, lung cancer, or angiosarcoma (cancer of blood or lymph nodes). 


Chemotherapy uses anticancer drugs and is an option for most kinds of cancer. There are many different kinds of chemotherapy drugs, and therapy is given in cycles to allow the body to recover. A course of treatment lasts three to six months. Chemotherapy is taken either in pill form or as an injection. If taken as an injection, an IV will be placed in the arm and each session must be done at the hospital or clinic. 

Chemotherapy has many side effects, Alopecia (hair loss), nausea, and vomiting are extremely common. Diarrhea, stomatitis (mouth sores), neuropathy (nerve pain), myalgia (muscle pain), amenorrhea (loss of menstrual periods), infection, and extreme fatigue are also commonly seen. Chemotherapy destroys the immune system, making the patient very susceptible to other illnesses. Anemia and a drop in white blood cells is also common. Early menopause, heart problems, weight gain, and leukemia are possible long-term effects of chemotherapy. 


There have been a number of factors that have been linked to breast cancer. Some of these factors are things of which we have little control, but others are things that are determined by lifestyle. 

Age of First Period - The earlier a girl begins her cycles, the higher her risk of breast cancer. Studies show that women who begin their periods before age 12 have a 20% increase in risk over those who began their cycles at age 14 or older. 

Age at Menopause - Going through menopause at a late age increases risk of breast cancer. Women who experience menopause after age 55 have twice the risk of breast cancer as those who do so before age 45. The thought is that the longer a woman experiences hormones that are released during her menstrual cycle, the greater her lifetime exposure is to these chemicals, increasing the risk of cancer. 

Weight - Before menopause, being somewhat overweight decreases a woman's risk of breast cancer! After menopause, being overweight increases the risk of breast cancer between 20-60%. As estrogen is stored in fat tissue, the more fat a woman has after menopause, the greater her exposure. 

Physical Activity - Regular exercise can enhance the immune system, which aids in the destruction of cancer cells. 

Alcohol - Studies have shown a link between alcohol intake and breast cancer. For every one alcoholic drink consumed per day, the risk of breast cancer increases about 9%, according to several studies. 

Dietary Fat - Studies show that the type of fat consumed may be a factor to breast cancer risk. A high intake of monounsaturated fat may lower the risk (monounsaturated fat is found in olive and canola oils), according to one study. 

Insulin - Some studies have found that people who secrete high levels of insulin or who have high levels of insulin in their blood may be at an increased risk for breast cancer. 

Having Children - Women who have never given birth or who did not have a child before age 30 have a higher risk of breast cancer than those who did give birth before that age. Women who give birth after age thirty have a risk of breast cancer that is two times greater than those who had their first child before the age of 20. Also, the more children a woman has the lower her risk of the illness. 

Breastfeeding - There is good evidence that breastfeeding protects against breast cancer. In an analysis of many studies, it was shown that mothers who breastfed for a total of one year (all children combined) were found to be 6% less likely to develop breast cancer than mothers who did not nurse their children. 

Milk Consumption - Independent studies are showing more and more often that the consumption of milk and milk products, especially non-organic milk, leads to a higher incidence of breast cancer. The hormones that are injected into cows to produce a greater yield of milk are found in the milk and are not completely destroyed by processing. Because rBGH is relatively new, long-term studies are still underway. So far, studies show a positive correlation between milk consumption and breast cancer 


Traditional Chinese Medicine sees liver dysfunction as a main cause of breast cancer, coupled with chronic anger and stress. Chinese medicine sees the liver as the most important organ for female health; according to TCM, disease in a woman is directly or indirectly related to liver function disorder. 

In TCM, there are three factors that create an ideal environment for cancer: qi (energy) deficiency, cold within the body, and blood stagnation. When a trigger is present, such as excess emotion (anger, frustration, worry, or overthinking), cancers are started. If the body cannot process the emotions, stagnating emotional energy causes organs to stop functioning properly. Stress (especially in a woman) can cause liver function disorder, which stagnates qui energy, which can lead to breast cancer. 

Early signs that a woman should look out for concerning breast cancer include PMS, headaches during the menstrual cycle, breast tenderness, fibroids, and poor digestion. Stress and being easy to anger, or holding a grudge/holding onto anger are also key. TCM solutions for breast cancer include herbs and other practices, such as qigong, that help the liver dysfunction. Meditation is also usually prescribed. Ginger, cinnamon. scallions, and fennel are helpful things to add to one's diet. Meditating for two minutes (and two minutes only) throughout the day is very helpful to relieve stress and anger. 


According to Ayurveda, breast cancer, as well as other cancers, are often caused by the intake of things that are heating in nature, such as acidic foods (citrus fruits), deep fried food, spicy things, processed foods, and chemicals. These things aggravate the pitta dosha, which is responsible for metabolic activities in the body; an affected metabolism can lead to the formation of toxins. When toxins are formed in large amounts and are not eliminated, they cause blockages. In the case of breast cancer, a blockage in the breast occurs. The blockage affects the vata dosha, which is responsible for the movement of things m the body. This makes the kapha dosha abnormal, and because kapha is responsible for sustaining body organs, chronic stage cancer is present. 

Ayurveda concentrates on balancing the three doshas to treat breast cancer. Elimination techniques are often used Internal medicines made from cleansing herbs like punarava (Boerhavia diffusa) and aloe vera are used. Guduchi and neem herbs are used to purify the blood, and rasayana (rejuvenating formulas) are used to help stimulate the immune system. Diet and lifestyle changes are also necessary. Keeping a patient's mind positive is vital. 

Diet and lifestyle changes are made on an individual basis under the care of a professional. 


Herbs are often used either alone or in addition to modern medical treatments for breast cancer. It is recommended to take herbs only under the supervision of a professional. 

Astragalus capsules: 500-1,000 mg three times a day can help stop the spread of cancers. 

Cat's claw tincture: is an immune stimulant when taken as directed on the label in 1/2 cup of water with Itsp lemon juice 

Garlic enteric coated tablets: 900mg taken daily can stop estrogen-activated cancer cells. 

Maitake: 2,000 mg three times a day before meals can stimulate the immune system and stop tumor growth 

St. John's wort: 300 mg three times a day prevents the spread of cancer to tissues between the chest wall and lungs. 

Turmeric curcumin tablets: 250-500 mg twice a day between meals can help suppress genes that activate cancers. 

Beta-carotene: a study in Italy found that beta-carolene given with other carotene compounds increased the regression period in women who already had breast cancer. Eat three or more servings of dark green, yellow, or orange vegetables and fruits every day. 

Licorice root: extracts from the root kill prostate and breast cancer tumors while protecting healthy cells. 


Breast cancer strikes men 1% as often as women. Risk factors for men include family history, radiation exposure. Schistosoma (a tropical disease organism) exposure, and too much estrogen in the body, While breast cancer is seen as a female disease, it does occur in men also. 


Traditional African healing wisdom tells us that a woman's breast is one of the most fragile organs in the body. Because they are seen as being outside of the body (like the man's testicles), they are very sensitive and fragile. Producing milk also makes the breasts sensitive, as the process of turning nutrients into milk for a baby is very complicated and precise. 

According to Master Naba of Ankhkasta Natural Healing, breast cancer is normally caused by two things: the body's predisposition coupled with nutrition, and the environment. 

"The body being inclined to tumors is the number one risk factor," says Master Naba. "Genetics play a large roll, and one must look at the history of the bloodline to determine whether one is at a higher risk. Nutrition also plays a very important role... diets of modern societies are very high in artificial hormones, and we have seen a drastic rise in cases of breast cancer with the rise in hormone consumption." Artificial hormones (whether from pills or meat/dairy) confront the hormones that are made by the body and can result in the development of cancer, depending on how tolerant the body is. 

The environment also plays a large role. Master Naba explained that while it is not common knowledge, the more a woman's breasts are "closed-in", the more risk she has of developing breast cancer. "Like men who wear tight underwear, which affects sperm production, a woman who locks in her breasts close to the body increases the amount of heat they carry, which puts her at risk for developing breast cancer," he said. 

Breast cancer can also develop from a dysfunction in the glands that make milk. 

"When a female hits puberty, the glands that make milk swell. Nature programs them for milk production, and the body has a natural way to turn nutrients into milk. It starts that production at puberty. But the body has no way to reverse this; the only way to stop it is to stop producing milk. If a woman does not breastfeed her baby, then this pre-production of puberty stays in the breast and eventually becomes a foreign substance to the body, and this can lead to cancer," explained Master Naba. 

According to African wisdom, a woman who has a child but does not nurse that child automatically increases her chance of breast cancer by 50%! A woman who does not have a child has a higher risk of cancer, but not nearly as high as one who does not breastfeed. 

Traditional African healing solves breast cancer very easily. Breast cancer does not come as a surprise - it always starts with inflammation. Herbs can be applied at signs of inflammation that will prevent cancer from developing. At this stage, eating pumpkin seeds (and seeds of the same family) will help. If the cancer develops further, more professional herbs are needed. Most of these herbs are applied externally. 

African healing has been solving breast cancer issues for thousands of years. "A woman has always been a woman, and this is a health concern," said Master Naba. "Because it is not uncommon, we treat it easily and quickly. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are unnecessary and harmful...breast cancer is easily treated and solved!"


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