Barley Grains and Grass

Barley Grains and Grass

Barley is most well-known as a grain/cereal that is used as an additive for both human and animal cereal foods and in breads and muffins. Barley is a staple food in many cultures around the world. Because it is a very hardy plant, it is grown in many places around the globe, including the Arctic Circle. It can be grown in many climates and conditions. While many people use the grain of the plant, the leaves are also extremely healthy and beneficial as well.

Barley is cultivated as a food and for making beer. Malt is made by soaking the seeds until they sprout. During this process, the proteins in the bran change into enzymes that convert starches into sugars, which may then be fermented into alcohol. Barley also provides farmers with straw for fodder, thatch, basketry, mudbrick, and pottery temper.

Cholesterol - Barley contains a-glucan, a fiber that is also found in oat bran. This fiber has been shown to help reduce cholesterol.

Colon Cancer - Barley contains large amounts of fiber, which helps keep the elimination system regular. This helps ward off colon cancer and other issues with elimination. 

Osteoporosis - Barley leaves have a lot of calcium in them; in fact, the leaves of the barley plant are highly nutritious and contain potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zine, beta carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Green barley juice contains 11 times the calcium as milk, almost 5 times the iron in spinach, and 7 times the vitamin C in oranges! The high calcium content enables green barley leaves/grass to be a replacement for dairy products for those who are concerned about getting enough calcium to help ward off osteoporosis and bone loss. Barley grass is so nutritious, that before World War II, dried barley grass was sold as a vitamin supplement.

Immunity - Green barley grass contains high amounts of chlorophyll, the phytochemical that gives leaves and plants their green color. Chlorophyll will help reduce disease bacteria (and bad breath), thus helping to increase one's immunity.

Other - Barley grass is a free radical scavenger. It also reduces inflammation and pain and is an antioxidant. It strengthens the pancreas and intestines, and it helps build the blood. It can also be used for fevers and inflamed membranes.

If barley is a new addition to your diet, there are many simple ways to use this powerful plant. Make Lemon Barley Water by adding 2 ounces of whole barley grains to 1.5 pints of water until the water is reduced by half. Add the zest and juice of one lemon and 2 teaspoons of honey and enjoy hot or cold. To get the benefits of barley grass, juice 3 handfuls of the nutritious green. Add 1 handful of spinach, 1 head of celery, 2 apples, and 1" piece of ginger, juice, and drink.


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