Healing Diabetes Naturally

Healing Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes is an illness that we all know. Nine out of every ten adults know someone who suffers from diabetes or a diabetes-related illness. Interestingly, the modern medical system has yet to find a cure for this disease. Therefore, those with this illness must take certain measures in order to keep this disease under control. Daily dosages of insulin are probably the most common method recommended by doctors to treat this disease, but even then the problem won't go away and the patient only becomes frustrated at the idea of having to inject themselves, sometimes two or three times a day, knowing they will never get rid of the diabetes itself. At least that's what the modern medical system will tell you!

Ankhkasta Natural Healing, a division of The Earth Center located on Chicago's West side, says differently. Ankhkasta only uses natural herbs that can be found in very remote areas of West Africa. Here at The Earth Center, we understand the fact that nature provides everything we could possibly need in order to cure ourselves of any illness. Diabetes is no exception.

The Sunnyside spoke with Mr. Joseph Jackson, who was diagnosed with diabetes over 17 years ago. Recently, Mr. Jackson has been under the care of Master Naba and his diabetes is being targeted through the use of African herbal remedies that only The Earth Center can supply. 

"When Master Naba came to see me, I was in a convalescent home. I was having a problem with a diabetic ulcer that grew on my foot, and mentally I was pretty lethargic and negative. I had been taking medicine for diabetes for 17 years," Mr. Jackson said. "They were giving me medicine for my kidney and antibiotics for this and that. I lost count as to how many different medicines I was consuming per day."

Mr. Jackson was told that there was no cure for the diabetic ulcer on his foot that was causing the skin to literally deteriorate down to the bone. Life became even more frustrating for Mr. Jackson when, within the last four months, was admitted into several convalescent homes for rehabilitation, but to no avail. His wife, Lillian Jackson, added, "The side effects of the medicine he was taking was deteriorating his kidneys and his liver. Things were counterproductive because when he would take one pill that was supposed to help a specific problem, something else went wrong in another part of his body. His foot had totally turned black and the physicians were telling us there was nothing they could do but remove the top layer of flesh from the foot. And then they were talking about amputation and even dialysis. Through some friends of ours, we were able to make an appointment to see Master Naba, and things have turned around ever since. We have seen progression faster in the last several weeks than we have within the last few years," she said with a smile. "We can see the healing," she continued. "Now the doctors are saying his diabetes is not as lethargic. He used to have a blood sugar level that averaged between 200-300. Now it is averaging between 122 and 124. His attitude has changed for the better as well," she said.

Currently, Mr. Jackson is no longer taking any of the prescribed medications that are sent to his home by the boxload. The traditional African herbs that Master Naba has given to Mr. Jackson are all that is needed to rid his body of diabetes and restore the skin to the foot that the doctors wanted to amputate. "In addition to the diabetes herbs I got from Master Naba, I'm taking herbs for my liver and for anemia. I didn't mention the anemia issue to him although I was aware of it, but somehow he detected it on his own." Mr. Jackson said. "Nobody told me about my liver when I was in the hospital," he added.

When asked what advice he would give to others suffering from related illnesses based on his personal experience with Master Naba and the herbs he supplies, Mr. Jackson stated, "I would tell them to educate themselves on their condition. Basically, they have nothing to lose by trying traditional medicine because they have lost enough already. If you lost a part of your foot or part of an organ due to your illness, how much more are you willing to lose by not trying something else?"

The Jacksons are just one of hundreds of families here in Chicago that are benefiting from Master Naba's expertise in natural healing. Ankhkasta Natural Healing treats and cures over 500 different illnesses naturally and effectively. If you, or anyone you know, are suffering from illnesses that continue to be an obstacle to your health, contact Anhlife.org


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