King Sundiata of the Sosso

To the avid historian, not much is offered on the rich traditions and culture of Merita (Africa), from a traditional perspective. Most information written about traditional kingships is from a Eurocentric viewpoint. Seemingly, much of the information presented on the cultural traditions and history is devalued as a so-called fable. Enter the history of Soundiata Keita, a traditional king in the Sosso Empire. Much of this story deals with some features that western culture does not recognize because they do not fit their cultural perspective and view of Merita. 

The history of Soundiata Keita actually begins by describing Soumanghouro Kante, Emperor of the Sosso Empire. Shortly after the fall of the Ghana Empire, people were called to duty to restore its cultural traditions and life. The Sosso kingdom has been historically known for building its power on their magical abilities. Their reputation is that they were able to make the impossible possible. Another strength of the Sosso Empire was its capabilities with iron. The Sosso were masters of iron. Modern scientists are still clueless about how these people could melt iron with anything, even charcoal from wood. Soumanghouro Kante was known as a master magician, being extremely powerful. It was said that anything he wished would happen, and anything he wished not to happen, did not happen. He was so powerful through his magic that he was known for making it not rain over a camp of Arabs who were attempting to convert Blacks to Islam. In fact, he made the sun shine on their area without cease (even at night) for five years. After the five years, he decided to create dark clouds over the Arab camp, and wherever they moved, the dark clouds moved too. (Interestingly, Eurocentric historians leave out this part of his history). As a symbol of his power, he placed his palace on the seventh floor. From this, he was nicknamed "The untouchable king". 

He expanded the Sosso Empire during his reign and did incredible things to protect his land from invaders. One day, while performing a reading and understanding the energies of the universe, he was alerted to some disturbing news. He found out that he would be killed by an infant that was just born. For the next two years, he decided that any child that was born would be killed. He spent several months trying to find the child that was foretold to kill him but he was continually told that the child had not been killed. The energies later revealed to him that the child who was going to kill him was his own nephew, Soundiata Keita. He had his servants find Soundiata and bring him to his palace. Soumanghouro saw his nephew, he witnessed a crippled little boy who could not walk. Soumanghouro had mercy upon him and asked him to leave the city and never to come back. 

Soundiata was still crawling by the age of 15. His mother attempted to find several healers to cure him and help him walk. One morning, Soundiata decided that he was going to walk. He asked five men to place a rock on his head while he was struggling to stand. The men feared death but they did it and he did not die.

To their amazement he began to walk while the rock was still on his head. This was the day he began to build his strength and learned how to walk. From this time, Soundiata began to build his power and leadership qualities. He decided to conquer the Sosso Empire and began to build his powers with traditional magic and spiritual prowess. This took years of learning from various healers and magicians.

Soundiata started with a small army and began to conquer areas outside of the capital of the Sosso Empire. He also began to gain members to fight within his army against Soumanghouro Kante. After several smaller victories he began to build momentum and gain even more people within his army. Soumanghouro and Soundiata finally met at what is known as The Battle of Kirina.

At the Battle of Kirina, Soumanghouro Kante's army was said to be so big that you needed to stand high on a building to see all of it. The armies both fought with swords and arrows along with their traditional magic spells. Soundiata was attempting everything he lenne could to kill Soumanghouro. Nothing he used was working. Due to the strength of Soumanghouro's magic, he could not pierce his skin with any arrows or swords. Incidentally, Soumanghouro had the same issues as his magic could not harm Soundiata either. Soundiata had become incredibly strong and virile because of his knowledge of magic and protective spells. Both continued to fight their rest, before they picked up the battle again, Soundiata went to do some readings again to find out what he could use to kill Soumanghouro. He found out from reading the Earth energies what he needed to pierce Soumanghouro's skin. When they met again, Soundiata pierced The Untouchable King's skin with an arrow that had a chicken claw fixed to it. This was the significant blow in the battle of Kirina. Soumanghouro, surprised that he had been harmed, fled Kirina and Soundiata came to reclaim the throne of the Sosso Empire, from which he was once exiled. The story foretold came true; Soumanghouro's reign as King came to an end by the same child to whom he had shown mercy because the child was crippled and unable to walk. The other kings in the area named him Soundiata "Mansa", which means "King of Kings". Soundiata's reign was also marked as the beginning of the Mali Empire. Despite being surrounded by kings who would succumb to Islamic onslaught, he maintained the traditions and culture of his people: Incidentally, Soundiata came in the direct lineage of another well known King who had broken with his traditional culture, Mansa Musa. 

Many events in the story of build his Soundiata Keita have in times powers with past been omitted. However, traditional such a grand history is needed to display the greatness that is often left out of Kemetic culture. Soundiata was an excellent leader and was known for forging relationships with kingships throughout Merita. He was well respected for his knowledge, magic and honor.  He was extremely strong in his magic and his statehood as he was well respected throughout the various kingdoms in Merita. He did have royal blood in his veins and was able to overcome huge obstacles to come to power. He not only gives us an idea about our culture and traditions but also about the power that with spells and neither gained any momentum within the epic battle. During exists within the Kemetic way of life. Soundiata is definitely a guiding light in our history.


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