Mental & Spiritual Cleanliness

In the present stage of human experience, living through M'TAM forces us to start a new experience. When we come home from work in the evenings, we run under the shower to clean our bodies from all of the stains and residues of the day, and after dinner we go to bed for a rejuvenating sleep. Why should we do all of this if it is not because we are seeking revitalisation? In this case, what do we do to our brain? The same brain that analyzes everything we saw, heard, felt, said, etc. during the day. The brain is the one thing that is most affected by daily pollution, so it is wise to practise a daily routine of cleaning and revitalisation for the brain too. Undress it, relax it, feed it energy, and put cleaner clothes on it for the new day to come.

Brain pollution, in reality, started from the first hours of our consciousness; since our mother, not having enough time to take care of us, tried to regulate the way we nursed so that it corresponded to when she was relaxing rather than when we were hungry. She even replaced her breast with a bottle when she could.

Diverse pedagogics are used to domesticate us, to train us, to make us commit even the worst animosities without being shocked. So when all we are left with is an already counterfeit consciousness, we ask it only one question: is what we are doing acceptable by the society which corrupted our consciousness in the first place?

When we double check modern pedagogy, we simply say that it kills the human and with the human carcass it constructs a society. A quick look at the stage of destruction in which our planet is only pushes us to question the negative sense of human creativity that modern societies are encouraging.

The human being should focus on the search for self; a self that has nothing in common with the ego, but that enters into harmony with all that is in existence. And to reach this goal, one should declare war inside oneself; one should try to surround one's ego and destroy it because the ego is the one thing that makes it difficult for us to simply stay outside the destruction/self-destruction cycle.

One should seek to regain the innocence of the first hours of our lives, like a child that is just born and looks at life without any preconceptions, with love for all the components of his environment that nature has placed there for his experience and for the perfection of his energetic journey. We should destroy every dogma. We should stay away from every thought that makes it difficult to look at ourselves. Life is not a combat since there is no presumed enemy. The other, in spite of his absurdities, is also only looking for the same peace in the soul; and on the present stage of our evolution, if life is a combat, it is a combat with ourselves in order to find the enemy inside ourselves, the enemy that inhabits us and forbids us to celebrate an already perfect harmony with the others.

"How can we trust a judgment while its opponents call for an equal right to be heard, and while the opposites of the 'good' and the 'bad' don't dare become suspects?" said a spiritual teacher. A purely human question from a modern world that lacks a history and that has turned toward cultural barbarism. "So, what is my place inside this cacophonous society?" a student asked me. In these contemporary societies, you are nothing but a name, a number, a worker, a slave. Your spiritual happiness? Nobody will show it to you. Or someone will give you a religious cult, as if that could make you happy.

We should learn to approach ourselves. We should agree to take charge of our spiritual evolution. "The self must become the master of the self. If not, which other master can it have?" a priest of Amon said. A human world without a model is reduced to nothing but bestial savagery, because every developed value will come only out of the rich imagination of the authors. This is why our knowledge of the World of the Gods, the model we found to be ideal for our world since the dawn of our consciousness, is of critical, existential importance.

Every thought is an operation of decisions, and every thought or every belief is necessarily partial, and so, necessarily every thought is partially false. This truth is a bit unpleasant for our ego, but we should tax our energies in this life to bring us to energetic perfection. If we do not do this, we shall spend cycles of reincarnations searching for the best way to present ourselves to existence. "If the truth disturbs me, it is because I'm lying," said one traditional poet.

The concepts of intelligence and of groups of intelligences reach beyond the contexts of social doctrines to represent knowledge about the true nature of things that is millenia old. Searching for the real face of the world is a legitimate activity for every human being who is part of existence: "The Ennead of Ptah is in front of him as teeth and as lips. They are the seeds and the hand of Atumu. Then came into existence the ennead of Atumu; it is surely the teeth and the lips in that mouth that proclaim the name of every thing and from which emerged Shw and Tefnwt..." according to the teachings of the temples of Philae. The first goal of life through M'TAM is the health and vitality of the brain. Liberate the brain from all the dogmas that have, like a weight attached to our feet, and mired our spirit in the mud of dualism and barbarism.


To Want to be Free is Just the Beginning


King Sundiata of the Sosso