Ka’at Ib: If it Exists, Then it Has a History

Throughout the world, we have witnessed and fallen victim to superstitions and ideologies presented to humanity as modern interpretations of the correct way for a person to evolve towards a higher level. History has shown us that if you seek you shall find; if you ask, nature will provide answers. History always reveals the paths) taken by humans and shows us where we have either achieved success or failed along the way, but only if we are honestly searching for these answers. This is why studying the past is very critical and necessary for us if we wish to be able to find our way as we are constantly challenged in life. We are born into the world helpless and are solely dependent on the knowledge of those who raise us, gained through what they have been exposed to. This puts us in a vulnerable position because those who have gone before us will teach us whatever values they learned. Whatever they think is right or wrong is what they will teach us as their exposure becomes our exposure. 

Consequently, since the beginning of human history, this situation in which we find ourselves has been a recurring one. So what can we do about this? We didn't ask to be part of this world, but for some reason, we are already here, left with people to guide our steps who themselves arrived in the same manner we did. Imagine trying to build something from only what you have heard but never seen. Where do you begin? In which direction do you go? With no clear direction or guide for reference, you are forced to figure it out yourself. 

This is where humanity stands today, stagnated in ignorance and arrogance. 

Our ancestors left us a model/blueprint as a guide through life based on their exposure and experiences of what worked for them. A model that has a history of success must be followed if humanity is to survive: no model, no morals; no model, no guidance. In today's society, we are constantly acknowledging and highly regarding things we rate as examples of human "genius" without doing the proper and necessary research first. Anywhere in the world you go today, constantly see blatant attempts to hide the true face of history one way or the other. Statues are stolen from their homelands only to be displayed around the world in museums with no regard for the indigenous culture or lifestyle that produced them. Pyramids and tombs are regularly being defaced in attempts to hide the true identity and greatness of the peoples who produced them; pillaging of resources and theft of land continues today. 

The usurpation of the notion of origin, with regards to culture and tradition, has many examples throughout human history, but we will focus on what the world knows as "meditation". Generally, when meditation is mentioned, we automatically think of traditions in the "East" such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Zen, Buddhist meditation or even Christian meditation. China, Japan or India are thought to be the birthplaces of meditation and other significant practices associated with spirituality because the "Modern System" has put money, propaganda and effort into promoting techniques/methods from these regions of the world with the goal of misleading people. It seems as if the world could care less where certain things actually come from as long as they don't come from Merita (Africa). If something is less than twenty thousand years old, then how could it be the "original" when Kemetic history shows that societies were thriving and had all existential questions answered for well over 70,000 years? It is as if the rest of the world has taken on the task of campaigning to establish their modern meditation as the pinnacle or foundation of all meditation. When most people hear of "meditation", Merita (Africa) is the last place they will consider as a point of reference. Prior to being exposed to The Earth Center, I too thought that if a person wanted to learn anything about "meditation", they had to look anywhere other than Merita (Africa). While growing up, the closest thing I saw to what I envisioned Kemetic Meditation to be was a person of Kemetic descent taking pride in someone else's culture while choosing to remain ignorant about his own. Why is this the case? 

For over two thousand years the world has been on a constant path of destruction/ self-destruction, and every tool that can be used as a distraction has been used. People today think religion and spirituality are the same; the word war has casually been associated with "holy"; crosses are visibly worn with admiration, even though a few centuries ago they were reserved for the criminals. This is our reality! Our ancestors were smart enough to foresee the destruction we currently live in and preserved the most sacred knowledge for only those who were worthy and exuded the quality necessary for learning it. Our ancestors made sure to master and preserve it just as vigilantly as their mothers and fathers had done. This is how the world's most sacred knowledge was maintained and protected from corruption for centuries while many weren't aware that this knowledge still existed. In studying the Kemetic (Egyptian) culture from afar, many of us have seen pictures of Deities (God's), priests, scribes or commoners who were in constant pursuit of Divinity, in books sitting or standing in various postures that resemble many styles/forms of "meditation" we are aware of today. Do we think those poses were done for entertainment, fun and pleasure, or are the masses just conditioned not to ask any questions? Whatever the case may be, now is the time for humanity to be re-exposed to the original technique that was only reserved for initiates of Traditional Kemetic culture (Mystery Schools of the Nile & Niger Valley), "Ka'at Ibi." 

New age "meditation" techniques are surfacing like millet stalks every year with the result of misdirecting the masses. So where can seekers begin their journeys? Unlike modern or new age "meditation" techniques, Ka'at Ibi (Kemetic Meditation) is done with a specific goal in mind that doesn't have anything to do with the desired effects "meditation" techniques offer the world today. Calmness, concentration, easing of stress, replacing feelings of worries, abundance of energy etc. are examples of the goals that people in today's society are seeking to achieve while meditating. These are some of the affects of Ka'at ibi also, but these are not the reasons why our ancestors utilized the Ka'at Ibi. To understand why Meditation is done, you must first understand the goal of a human being. 

A human being lives to master the self while his or her eyes are focused on the "World of the Neteru" (God's). This is done by trying to follow perfectly the 77 commandments and by evolving higher and higher each life time (through reincarnation) with the goal of one day becoming a Divine Being. Ka'at Ibi is one of many gifts from our ancestors that assist us during our quest to become Neteru (Gods). We don't meditate for any other reason. The original poses of Ka'at Ibi allow you to feel how a Neter (God) feels for very short period of time, just as Ablutions (Spiritual/non-material & Physical/material Cleansing & Purifications) allow you to maintain the necessary purity that makes it possible for you to occupy the same space as a Neter (God) without being a potential threat (pollutant). Chanting, breathing, isolating thoughts, intuition, heightening of the senses, stimulating the nerves, blood and energy lines all play a vital role in our journey. 

If certain traditions that have been practiced for thousands of years are not maintained and protected from outside influences, we must understand that naturally they are subject to, and likely to, degeneration over time. This is the case with "meditation" and any other "spiritual" notions we are exposed to under the false pretense that they are the absolute "way." 

In Merita (Africa), the spiritual obligations of some of the priests consisted of traveling throughout the world to teach awareness of the Divine World, knowledge of ablutions/purifications, ancestor acknowledgment, prayers, Zemzem, Ka'at Ibi, and other aspects of traditional Kemetic culture. Many were sent throughout the world to enlighten the unenlightened. This is why many poses or positions thought to originate in the "East" resemble Kemetic poses. People in various parts of the world were students of our ancestors, but over time, the world has witnessed the degeneration of the "original" model. For example, when you learn Ka'at Ibi, it becomes obvious where all other "meditation" techniques originated. Many of the positions maintained themselves, but their purpose and spiritual values have been changed by religious agendas rooted in politics. This is how Ka'at Ibi differs from other techniques practiced in the contemporary world. When shall we stop accepting replicas and start embracing their original? 

Why do we ask unexperienced "children" (Modern System) of the world to educate us on anything when the "great great great great grandparent" (Traditional Culture) is alive across the ocean? It is true that meditation has many physical benefits, but physical benefits remain useless if you don't understand the spiritual reason for which we "meditate". The world as we know it is constantly changing; things that haven't been available for over 2,000 years are once again readily available to those who are honest with themselves. When you are brave enough to question the system about the only path it has revealed or allowed you to see, The Earth Center is where you can begin to find the path taken by your very own ancestors.


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