Philosophy Podium: Society & Individual Destruction Part I - The Unlearned Lessons

From our observation of modern phenomena, we come to the conclusion that the survivors of ideologies that have taken over humanity have either rejected the past or have tried to recreate it. The most shocking example is that of the Indo-Europeans through the elaboration of their doctrine of hate for other people. They were introduced to the concepts of good and evil, of heaven and hell, and the concepts of the soul and the Gods, by black people. The irony is that the Greeks and Romans, after several unhappy attempts to create their own religions, saints and Gods, finally imposed a doctrine based on the hatred for others, especially for those who originally introduced Gods to them. 

The Christian Bible, in its fraudulent presentation of human history, gave to the Pharaoh the image of a dictator and an oppressor of the children of Israel, and gave the Egyptians (the Kemioo) the image of domineering people. The reason was simply because the "Egyptians" and their Pharaoh were black people - different physically from Indo-Europeans and apparently different enough that they could hate them without having to develop a problem of conscience. Let's note briefly that it is the same logic of hatred of different appearances that led to the bombing of Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the same bombs that they wouldn't use on the Nazis in Germany despite the heavy toll of human life the Nazis were taking.... 

The biggest irony of the Indo-European people is that, after blacks have educated them and helped them assimilate the concept of good and evil and taught them about the Gods that are responsible for these phenomena (SETH and HORUS), the Indo-Europeans decided that these same blacks were the children of SETH (renamed SATAN) and they must be exterminated. These people are giving us the impression of being incapable of love and incapable of acting for the good of humanity. 

Following the enslavement of black people was the colonization of the blacks that didn't have the experience of the slavery ships. While the exported blacks were suffering from the weight of the hit of the early modern European, the African on the continent is suffering from the hit of exploitation and humiliation of the same but updated system. 

The worst nowadays is the bacteriological war on the African continent. It is very important to know that diverse bacteria and viruses have been introduced on the African continent by the so-called developed countries with the goal of infecting Africans, causing epidemics, hunger, and accelerating their extinction. This is the latest episode in the daily reality of black people all over the world for the last 2500 years. 

The suffering of the children of Israel in the Biblical literature cannot be compared to a tenth of the suffering of black people. The only reason why this is not brought to public attention is simple: in this case, it is the Indo-European oppressor that is writing history, it is the criminal that is talking about his victim, it is the slave-driver that is talking about the slave, it is the butcher that is talking about the animal, it is the wolf that is talking about the lamb, etc. It is the Indo-Europeans with their thirst for enemies and need to create rivals for themselves. 

Humility before the natural principle of existence is a virtue. The subconscious reality of the Indo-European is that he is simply frustrated by this principle. The cycle of life, meaning birth, aging, and death, is simply rejected by his social conditioning. If aging and dying, as basic principles of life, are projected as the enemy of the individual, it is not the people whose culture happily accepts age and death that will be spared. This is the basis of the philosophy of hatred in modern societies. The modern man needs a spiritual cure. Refusing to face the reality doesn't eliminate it, but simply turns the human being into a primitive animal on Earth. 

This world is suffering from the seeds of destruction planted in the human consciousness and this destructive instinct is so powerful that the individual cannot see that he is destroying himself and the whole world with him.


Ka’at Ib: If it Exists, Then it Has a History