Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Festival of Sokari

The Goddess Nout became very unhappy with the idea that, because of her lack of patience, her destiny will be reduced to a Goddess that is incapable of giving birth. She went to see the Ennead, the committee of nine Gods, guarantors and managers of the stability of the universe. These Gods felt pity for her and decided to create and add five other days to the year in which she could give birth to Wsr (Osiris) the first day, Haroeris (Horus the Great) the second day, Seth the third day, Aseta (Isis) the fourth day, Nefissa (Nephtys) the fifth day, and every four years, a day of renewing the divine pact, and this day was called World Renewal Day.

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Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Energetic Regeneration

One should recognize that regardless of our ideology, the concept of time division is a purely astronomical phenomenon and it is an insult to human intelligence to base his concept of time on anything else.

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Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Society & Individual Destruction Part IIII - Seeds of Demise

The understanding between Gods and humans quickly deteriorated. Then Romans added a new God they created, coming from nowhere and claiming to be unique. Humanity, already corrupted and haunted by the idea of being rejected by Gods because of the corruption of their own spirits, jumped at the chance to proclaim as supreme a newly created God who doesn’t ask much more than to be recognised and worshiped. Since then the world has degenerated. This is the seed of destruction planted in the spiritual domain to corrupt and destroy humanity.

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The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Game We Cannot Win

We know very well that the goal of life cannot be to only come here, enjoy and end up in the cemetery. We also know that our tendency of believing that by chanting the glory of our God and by saying that he is the best and is unique, and by praying to him, etc., we will obtain his favors, can only be possible if we attribute the human qualities to that God!

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Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions


A key component to deconstructing these compartments is to surround yourself with others who share your values and are walking on the same path as you

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Jahzra Shemzura Jahzra Shemzura

Science & Reason Antidepressants: Chemical Annihilation of the Mind

When we consider that disconnection from reality is a primary factor in the onset of varying degrees of depression and other mental disorders, the modern system stands out as most culpable. Its denial of all the knowledge, traditions and practices from Kemetic culture, that sustained human civilization for thousands of years is in itself a fundamental contributor to modern man’s disconnection from reality and so to depression and mental disorders. One method for getting out of depression and mental instabilities is to align one’s perspective closer with reality. Antidepressants will not help you to do this; instead they will continue to feed the illusory state of mind that led to the depression in the first place place; in many cases, antidepressants will even exacerbate the mental illusions, to the point of suicide.

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Marrwho Hasati Marrwho Hasati

A Cancerous Society

Comparing this situation between Kemetic and Greek civilizations to the human cellular anatomy, we can see a parallel. The Kemetic civilization is a life preserving force on Earth, similar to the blood cells that work with the body to help the continuation of our life. On the other hand, we can see the Ger-Ka or Greek civilization functioning similar to cancer, driven by its own agenda and thirst for power, as it separates itself from the rest of its kind.

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Kasabez Maakmaah Kasabez Maakmaah

Catastrophe in Meritah’s Great LakesPart II: A History of Attacks

“The wildest beast is locked in the cage, and that cage can be found in the human heart; one only needs to find the key that will open the cage and one will be surprised by the ferocity and the barbarism that the human being is capable of.”

- Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig.

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Benben Menzeba Hasati Benben Menzeba Hasati

The Origins of Dance Part III: Vodun

The knowledge from our culture and traditions is what guides us towards quality and human development. Your culture is what defines you. If our perception of the world doesn’t come from our culture, then it is no longer our culture that is defining who we are. If our attitude towards vodoun stems from what our colonizer had labeled it to be, ‘evil’ or ‘taboo’, then we have surrendered our own system of survival to serve a system that has made the tireless effort to omit the concept of spirituality from our lives for centuries.

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Earth Talk Nehez Meniooh Earth Talk Nehez Meniooh

Transatlantic Trade & Enslaving the Motherland: The Age of Parasites

In Europe, people fell victim to enslavement only after ceasing to pursue their Ancestral traditions. In Meritah, people became enslaved after turning their back on the values that their Ancestors had always kept sacred. They abandoned their spiritual obligations to fulfill their own desires and ambitions. Today, humanity is cursed: locked in a self-destructive confusion that has resulted from leaving the direction set out by our predecessors and defined by Kemetic civilization.

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The Night Fire Naba Iritah Shenmira The Night Fire Naba Iritah Shenmira

Generational Conflict

In Meritah, it is commonly understood that the child is the result of his education; that’s the reason why in the traditional societies the elders have always reserved a very high esteem for the basic education of the youth.

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Harmonious Healing Meqmeqka Zeshera Harmonious Healing Meqmeqka Zeshera

Postpartum Care Part I: Healing the Mother

This article is part one of a series that will cover the aftermath of childbirth for both the mother and her newborn(s). In this issue I will focus on healing the mother during postpartum care. Future segments will focus on caring for the newborn’s health from traditional perspectives using my experiences in Meritah and research of other cultures’ customs.

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Our Mother's Light Zetanefert Zipewtu & Keemeera Nimahat Our Mother's Light Zetanefert Zipewtu & Keemeera Nimahat

The Safety Net: The Importance of Female Postpartum Support

Just like our Ancestors from earlier times here in America, the cultural value of community in Western Meritah holds strong. The cultural value of community in Western Meritah trumps isolation, death, despair and destruction of the West any day in my book. Though it may have been done through necessity, let’s reach back to the time in our history as Black people in America when we were a tight knit community. Let’s provide the support that our sisters and subsequently ourselves will need during the time of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. We cannot and should not be alone during the most spiritual and powerful yet vulnerable times of our lives.

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The Initiate Kemeera Nimahat The Initiate Kemeera Nimahat

Misunderstanding A Woman’s Value

People make up a family and families make a society. The woman’s contributions to stabilizing the society begins first with herself, and the pursuit of raising her qualities. From there, it extends into the home and then the results are magnified outwardly into the community. Being a woman and having an opportunity to stabilize generations and generations is extremely honorable. Nature makes no mistakes.

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