Humility, Honesty & History (The Way) Between Humans & Gods

The Initiate: Humility, Honesty & History (The Way) Between Humans & Gods

To be a God, according to the Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality, is to be pure, to have integrity, to be eternal, to rule on specific domains, and especially to have the ability to create. We humans can only mimic. We are easily corrupted. We stink if we don’t shower, we produce caca when we eat, when we’re not satisfied we get angry, we become frustrated, we act violently, we commit crimes when we have ambition, we get sick when we don’t take care of ourselves, and we die when without paying attention. In short, we’re unstable. There is nothing we can deny about that reality, and the only intelligent behaviour when facing the fact that we are not Gods is to be inspired by them and by their world, the Divine World. If one aims to get closer to the dimension of the Gods, one has to follow the path they are walking on, while remaining humble enough to accept one’s own human condition and place in the existence. 

The Gods established the existence and created Life. They gave us the ability to learn and to evolve, and it is up to us to decide which path we want to follow, which example we want to copy, and which guide we want to be inspired by. The Gods gave us 77 commandments to respect because they also respect those spiritual principles. The Gods gave us tools to purify our spirit because they too protect the purity of their realm. The Gods skilled us with the ability to communicate with them by using knowledge, discipline, and structure because they can guide us. On the 19th of Tehuti, the Gods gave us a clear path to walk in order to evolve and come close to the Divine. This is why the 19th of Tehuti is considered one of the most important days in the history of humanity. The sacred scriptures of Kemet describing that day remind us that each of our Ancestors promised the Gods to dedicate their lives to build a human world inspired by the Divine one. 

Since then, thousands of years have passed and for about the last 2,000 years, it seems that humanity’s greatest achievements have been in fact nothing more than repairs of serious destruction that has preceded them. Each advancement appears to be like a hole that was filled by digging another hole by a species that keeps forgetting its own history. Today, any political ideology, belief system, or scientific theory can become a path to evolution for anyone who doesn’t know the history of humanity. Ask a hunter the evolution of hunting and you will hear more stories focused on pleasure and joy than on community and necessity. What we’ve learnt in schools and in books is limited by the fact that the teachers themselves are lacking that knowledge. But the absence of connection with our history is just the result of dishonesty when we admit that our blood is very old and connects us directly with the history of our Ancestors. 

In order to move forward in their life, Kem people choose to look at their Ancestors with humility. They were once walking on this Earth, and they too had to make some choices and sacrifices. They too were doing their best in every aspect of their life with the tools they had access to. We are no different. And evolving on this life, thinking that we are is a big mistake since the Earth is way older than any one of us and knows the history of all of us, and everyone who preceded us, everything combined in one history, that of humanity. The tools the Gods have given us once upon a time are still valid today and it would be a waste to diverge from such a gift thinking that the new ways are “better”. Better for what? The goal is still the same and for an entity to respect another entity is to also value and respect the intelligence and the contribution of that entity. If the Gods have given us a path and we dismiss it by ignorance or by arrogance, the consequence is the same, we will never get to the point. 

When the Gods created life, they decided that the human beings would transition from the invisible to the visible through the natural process of birthing. This is one clear characteristic that we all share, we all have two parents, and they all have two parents, and so on, and so on. To lack respect for our Ancestors is a clear sign of disrespect of the Gods’ intelligence that chose that gateway for us as a link between us and them. But when one realises the importance of preserving and perpetuating life, of keeping his or her bloodline flowing and never dry, of maintaining a high level of awareness to remain in harmony with the other elements of Nature, of Earth and of the Universe, then one gets closer to the Divine. It is by understanding, protecting and cleaning that sacred path, our Ancestors’ heritage that we put in our favour, the Gods and our entire bloodline will be supporting us with all of their powers. 

Therefore, when the authentic Mystery Schools of Kemet are providing educating and healing through The Earth Center to so many people with this one goal in mind: building a civilisation in the image of the Gods, one can understand what a blessing it is to be part of such a revolutionary movement. It is The Earth Center that teaches how to take care your Ancestors and how to connect with the Gods. They teach it to anyone who manifests such an interest in spirituality and philosophy, while making sure to always follow the traditional principles and structure that permitted dedicated people to preserve that knowledge without it being corrupted or interrupted. It is the Earth Center that teaches that it is not granted that every dead relative will find their way to the Imentet, which is the Kingdom of Wsr [Woozer] (Osiris in Greek), our Divine Ancestral Father, where our Ancestors can restore and remain in peace. Is it the Earth Center that provides the tools to a person who wants to become responsible in front of existence, so that he or she can start taking serious actions for the benefit his or her entire family. It is the Earth Center that guides the pilgrims who want to walk the path of their Ancestors, helping them to focus on honouring and dignifying their history and on reclaiming with pride their glorious past, so that they start walking righteously and write their own history in order to prepare the future they are capable to build. Are you in?


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