The Composition of Human Energies Pt. IIII - The Senses

Pilgrim’s Walking Stick: The Composition of Human Energies Pt. IIII - The Senses

All of the Human senses transcend space and time. The result of this space and time transcendence is not necessarily captured by individual consciousness. The rudimentary aspect of this experience through our senses is: 

a. The possibility of seeing things and places that are not necessarily in front of one’s self and the possibility of imagining places and situations to come, which is not a delirium of the brain. 

b. One does not always need to touch an object before realising it is hot or cold. 

c. Every component of the universe and everything on the Earth emits a continuous and uninterruptible sound. This makes the existence an ensemble of sounds and it is these sounds that reproduce on the cosmic level what we call the “melody of the planets” or “stellar melody”. 

*The system of seeing happens through ensembles of intelligences that are emitted by the brain through every part of the body, but the official organs of seeing are the eyes. These ensembles of intelligences return to the body with the images of things that they have touched and embraced, thus creating a store of images that allow the individual to have a relatively clear idea of his environment. It is important to understand that on the level of cosmic existence, time is a dimension as real as space. So for the ensembles of intelligences, the act of seeing happens in every direction. 

The first dimension of seeing 

It is the seeing of the present: that which happens in the same moment and the same place. It is the easiest one. It is the seeing by an individual who is looking at an object or place. This seeing can easily slip toward the past or the present. 

The second dimension of seeing 

It is the seeing of the past. This type of seeing is different from the memories that we have of the past. It is what we see in the present that projects us toward the images of the preceding periods. It is the smoke that makes us think of fire, the scar that makes us think of the wound. 

The third dimension of seeing 

It is a seeing of the future. It is the memory that is directed toward the future. It is the dry leaf on a tree that will end up falling to the ground, it is the arrow that is shot that will end up going away from the archer, it is the ash that will end up appearing from a wooden fire, it is the doorway of death that is opened by life. 

The fourth dimension of seeing 

This is more difficult to explain. The fourth dimension of seeing is the one that can perceive all the elements involved in the creation of events through space and time. For example, one should try to visualise an adroit archer aiming at an object that is at a reasonable distance; suppose that one lets him aim at it and when he shoots the arrow, before the arrow reaches the object, one moves it aside. One will say that the archer has missed the target. The same example can be obtained if one asks the archer to aim into the open and after he shoots, one rapidly places the target in the path of the arrow. One would say that he has hit the target. The fourth dimension of seeing is the one capable of presenting these events from any position in the past, present, and future and from any point in space. 

The whole universe can be perceived as a soup of diverse vegetables. The vegetables have their own tastes, colours, and shapes, but the soup, if it has a taste, will be the one born from the fusion of all of the individual tastes of the vegetables. If it has a colour, it will be the one born from the colours of all of the vegetables.... etc. In the same way that space contains all the stages of the human evolution, the time dimension contains existence. For our consciousness of things, all is simply a question of our will to know and the will to cooperate with our planet. 

The creator Gods came out of primordial waters as it was taught by priests in the Nile and Niger Valleys; the study of our energetic composition and the functioning of our senses is then a necessary step in our search for the real face of existence.


Humility, Honesty & History (The Way) Between Humans & Gods


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