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Kem Life, Cover Story, Volume 15.8 Kashesep Mezouptah Kem Life, Cover Story, Volume 15.8 Kashesep Mezouptah

Failure of Democracy

In reality, the President is like a business administrator.  Like all other business administrators, a President just carries out the wishes or the agenda of the owner(s) of the business with some independent latitude for judgment, as long as they do not fall too far outside the boundaries that are set by the owner.

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Volume 15.8 Heqrahim Maatibsahu Volume 15.8 Heqrahim Maatibsahu

Libya: Victim of Neo-Imperialism

It is instructive for any thinking person to examine the events that led up to the US/NATO intervention in Libya and the events as they have unfolded since, because Libya is a classic case of US foreign policy. We are also now privy to the emails of one of the main proponents of the intervention and these provide added confirmation that our power hungry leaders see humanity as pawns to be played in advancing their imperialist ambitions.

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Volume 15.8 Marrwho Hasati Volume 15.8 Marrwho Hasati

Those Belonging to Truth - The Nimahat Graduation

In this article, we are celebrating a generation of M’TAM initiates that reached an important milestone within this initiation process that I am talking about. This important occasion is the graduation from the first level (Per Ankh) of the M’TAM initiation. Their graduation was held on the 29th of Kpekhan, 414 (June 6th, 2015).

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Volume 15.8 Boukhepra Heqitef Volume 15.8 Boukhepra Heqitef

The Upsurge In Global Protest

On December 6, 2015 in Paris, France, 195 nations were in a meeting to negotiate the United Nations climate pact. Outside the conference were people that came from all over the world, unified in protest, demanding that indigenous rights be included in the negotiations of the UN. Under the hashtag #Canoes2Paris, indigenous people and supporters made their demonstration by kayaking down “La Seine” a river that flows through Paris and out into the English Channel.

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A Kemetic Perspective provides a brief glimpse into many of the aspects of modern life and how it differs from the current Kemetic paradigm which in contrary to popular belief is not gone. What does the Kemetic paradigm look like today? Contact your nearest Earth Center and enroll in the initiation or learn about many of the other ways you can get involved.