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Volume 8.1 Baashu Tutsanai'i Volume 8.1 Baashu Tutsanai'i

What is News?

Among the native tribes residing within the region now known as the Southeastern U.S., a very important ceremony takes place during the time when the first corn ripens. It begins the new year for these tribes and is celebrated with ceremonies that generally last either four or eight days. The ceremony is called he Green Corn Ceremony and is also known as Busk (from the Creek Indian word poskita, or "to fast").

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Volume 8.1 Baashu Tutsanai'i Volume 8.1 Baashu Tutsanai'i

Soldiers and Misfortune

Every human is born, grows older and dies. What each does during the time they are alive in this world depends on their perception of the circumstances they face. How the individual perceives their situation will lead them to make decisions based on the outcomes they desire to have. We should all be very aware of individuals and organizations attempting to, or having succeeded in, manipulating our perception of a given situation. An individual can be deceived in various way, even by themselves.

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Volume 8.1, On The Ancestral Path Bikbaye Inejnema Volume 8.1, On The Ancestral Path Bikbaye Inejnema

On the Ancestral Path…Ignoring the Obvious

Why is the obvious so hard for us to see? Simple: the lenses through which we are looking at the world are dirty and need to be cleansed. The images we see are distorted, including the ones we see in the mirror. It then becomes challenging to judge the distance from or to an object(ive). It becomes a challenge to see in darkness. We may sometimes even see things that are not really there. The effort we put forth to see puts a strain on our eyes, so we close them in order to feel some relief.

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Volume 8.1, Survivor's Notebook Kasabez Maakmaah Volume 8.1, Survivor's Notebook Kasabez Maakmaah

Survivor's Notebook: Government Scare Tactics - Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Recently there has been serious concern across the country about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is supposedly a viral STD found in or near the female sex organ. The modern medical system blames HPV as the main cause of cervical cancer. In 2007, it was estimated that 11,000 women in the United States would be diagnosed with this type of cancer and nearly 4,000 would die from it. According to the American Social Health Association, about 20 million Americans are infected with HPV.

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