Khefira Hasati

On the 28thday of the month of Mesut Re in the year 408 of the Sidereal Calendar (Sept. 2nd, 2009), our beloved sister Khefira Hasati transitioned into the World of the Dead (Imentet). Though she lived a short life, reaching the age of 33, her accomplishments were enough to fill an entire lifetime. In the year 404 (2005), Khefira moved to Chicago from Seattle, WA. to join the Earth Center where she studied directly under Dogon High Priest, Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig as well as his eldest students. She became a part of the 3rd generation in Chicago, one of the last to have the privilege of experiencing Master Naba and his teachings. She excelled in all three areas of the M’TAM initiation process and within a year she passed the first level, graduating along with 7 other members in her generation.

As with the traditions of the Earth Center, graduates are provided with Kemetic names based on the earth energy (Bayuali) readings that are done by the priests of West Merita (Africa). The name "Khefira" was given to her by Master Naba and it’s translation from the Medu (hieroglyphs) into English meant "Ra watches over", her last name "Hasati" that she shared with the rest of her generation meant "guardian on the rise". Our sister Khefira Hasati was just that, a rising guardian who Ra watched over. She fully dedicated herself to the Earth Center’s movement; living her life as a Kem, applying the Kemetic values, philosophy and 77 commandments. When Master Naba moved back home to Burkina Faso, West Africa to continue the growth of the Earth Center, she along with her husband Nehez Meniooh (2nd generation initiate) took over the Earth Center in Chicago, while Master Naba’s eldest student Bikbaye Inejnema led the school in Brooklyn, New York.

She spent full time working to promote and preserve traditional African (Kemetic) culture and spirituality. She became a traditional healer, as well as an M’TAM instructor. Khefira was truly a gifted individual, talented in many ways. Not only was Khefira a healer and a teacher, but she was a dedicated wife and a mother for her own daughter as well as for the rest of the Earth Center children. She was a born leader, as well as a strong role model for women, a comedian, an artist and dancer, a photographer, a magnificent cook, a writer, a counselor, and a business manager. She spoke many languages, including the initiatic language of Medu. She traveled to different countries, studying cultures and spiritual philosophies, and she blossomed within the Earth Center to eventually become the backbone of our organization.

Her physical presence is greatly missed, but we as Kem understand that death is what we prepare ourselves for, it is just a stage in the natural cycle of our becoming. Through her death in the physical realm, she has been born into the World of the Dead. She joins her ancestors where she will prepare herself for her next reincarnation. As with Master Naba, Khefira has done her part in bringing quality to this earth. She has touched many lives all around the world and the history that she left will continue to inspire us. Kemetic wisdom teaches us that the life that we live should be compared to the instance of a dream in the night of a sleeper. Khefira’s life was that dream that only lasted for an instance, but like certain dreams, we will go on remembering her for the rest of our lives.



On the Ancestral Path - Ancestral Quality


On the Ancestral Path…Ignoring the Obvious