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Volume 8.0 Imy Maktitaoui Volume 8.0 Imy Maktitaoui

Journey With No End: Introducing the Meznkhepra Generation

ON NOVEMBER 20, 2010, the M’TAM School of Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality welcomed its 19th generation of initiates. The M’TAM School is part of the larger Earth Center organization and is responsible for leading a human being back onto the path of development followed by his or her Ancestors. This path leads towards the highest standards of quality and purity attainable by a human being.

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Volume 8.0 Bikbaye Inejnema Volume 8.0 Bikbaye Inejnema

On The Ancestral Path: What Are We Becoming?

THIS WORLD WILL ALWAYS continue to go on… despite all of our frustrations, fears, depressions and hopelessness. Regardless of how lonely, destitute, desperate or confused we may be, this world will go on. It does not matter if one is suicidal or psychotic, with thoughts of killing himself while taking the lives of anybody else that happens to be sharing the same space at the same time, this world will continue to go on.

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Volume 8.0 Yerbanga Shenmira Volume 8.0 Yerbanga Shenmira

Graduation In Kemet: The Nemapatou

On a day that coincided with this year’s Kemetic new year and The Earth Center’s annual pilgrimage (another tradition started by Master Naba in order to reconnect the world with its ancestral home), the Ouagadougou M’TAM School, with the presence of elder brothers and sisters from the United States, graduated two students who answered the call of their ancestors by sacrificing themselves for months to acquire initiation into this knowledge in order to live according to their own traditional values and renew contact with them.

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Talking Drum (Current Events) Sepkanitah Khfnheru Talking Drum (Current Events) Sepkanitah Khfnheru

The Talking Drum: The Crying Ceremony

THE EARTH CENTER FAMILY comes together annually to honor our ancestors Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig and Khefira Hasati. Master Naba, Maakheru (truth teller), our teacher came to the United States with a mission to heal the minds of everyone here in the colonial diaspora. He brought to us the sacred wisdom of Traditional Spiritual Masters. With this knowledge the children of the colonial diaspora can set out to live a life of quality. This sacred information is under the protection of the ancestors that have preserved these teachings for over 2,500 years.

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On The Ancestral Path Bikbaye Inejnema On The Ancestral Path Bikbaye Inejnema

On the Ancestral Path - Initiatic Misconceptions

Letting go of the paradigm that was instilled in us since our birth is not an easy thing to do. All of the perceptions, ideals, values, beliefs, notions and ideologies that have made their bed within our conscience make it difficult to accept any “new” realities that may expose us as misguided, mis-educated and ignorant individuals. Being conditioned from birth to adopt the history and values of other cultures without first embracing our own has and will continue to lead us further away from the true essence of our spiritual nature.

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Volume 8.0 Kasabez Maakmaah Volume 8.0 Kasabez Maakmaah

Graduation: The Call to Return Home

In the M'TAM education system, we say that the difficult part is not learning something new. The hardest part is saying goodbye. As initiates, our first priority is the paradigm shift that must take place. For this, we will have to say goodbye to many of the habits, values, mentalities, and even people in our lives. In the colonial world, we have been conditioned in a certain way that enables others to control us. The individual in the modern society has simply been hijacked and is being led to his own destruction without even knowing it.

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A Kemetic Perspective provides a brief glimpse into many of the aspects of modern life and how it differs from the current Kemetic paradigm which in contrary to popular belief is not gone. What does the Kemetic paradigm look like today? Contact your nearest Earth Center and enroll in the initiation or learn about many of the other ways you can get involved.