Graduation: The Call to Return Home
The Sakuhai Generation includes students from the Chicago and New York Schools, united across the continent by Initiatic bonds. These are the Chicago graduates.
In the M'TAM education system, we say that the difficult part is not learning something new. The hardest part is saying goodbye. As initiates, our first priority is the paradigm shift that must take place. For this, we will have to say goodbye to many of the habits, values, mentalities, and even people in our lives. In the colonial world, we have been conditioned in a certain way that enables others to control us. The individual in the modern society has simply been hijacked and is being led to his own destruction without even knowing it.
Few of us are aware of how deeply the modern system has ingrained these seeds of destruction within us, but examples are everywhere. All we have to do is look at the state of our communities right now. While some people are feeling on top of the world, living their dreams, their neighbors on the other side of the tracks have to resort to desperate measures just to survive. While the system will hold up those who are supposedly succeeding for the whole world to admire, the others are simply put to the side. While the system will take credit for each "success," each "failure" takes the blame for his own suffering. Each failure is punished for the desperate acts he must take due to his situation. Often this is a situation that he was born into, that he has no control over.
Sakuhai Generation New York Graduates
We understand, based on these facts, that the human being is extremely vulnerable. We come into this world without the choice of who our parents will be or what kind of community we will come to. We are born into a world that we don't understand and we only have those who came before us to give us our understanding of the world. The modern system has made its agenda clear. It will use any means at its disposal to ensure our understanding of the world is the one that it has defined for us. For us, this becomes how we define ourselves and we fight to protect this definition;
Examples of this are everywhere. We see the one who will not stop smoking, even with lung cancer. We see the one who will not stop fighting, even when faced with death. We see the one who will not stop speeding, no matter how many tickets he gets. We see the one who will not stop insulting people, no matter how many people turn their backs on him. We start to think that these qualities are parts of ourselves that make us who we are, but who we are goes much deeper than any of this. However, without a clear idea of who we really are and what our goals should be in this life, this identity crisis is understandable. This is why the modern system has made sure to keep these realities far away from our minds. This is why, even when faced with these realities, many of us still reject them. The human being is simply handicapped, weak and vulnerable.
ZahNeith meaning "One who honors the Goddess Neith"
In the M'TAM education, we say the arrow that will pierce your heart is the one you don't see coming. This is why the Per Ankh level (the first level of the education) focuses on exposing these weaknesses to us. The initiate is continuously reminded of these weaknesses and the traps the the modern system has set to exploit humanity. One of the primary lessons is that emotions don't think. This is so important to keep in mind because the system has conditioned us to value our emotions, our feelings, so much that even when confronted with good information, we will reject it if it isn't accompanied with a good feeling. This is important for the system because at this point, all it has to do is appeal to our emotions and then it can package anything and sell it to us without a question. All we want to know is does it taste good? Does it feel good? Does it make us more comfortable? Does it make our lives easier? We don't check to see what the long term consequences are of what is being presented. This is how the modern system has turned human beings, capable of thinking, into a herd of livestock waiting for the day the butcher will come to get us. This is what we have come to accept as our society.
Semauiba which means "Renewed Soul"
This does not have to be our reality. A real society is one that takes responsibility for every individual. A real society succeeds with each individual success. A real society fails with each individual failure. Its quality is not measured by how tightly it controls its population, its quality is measured by its ability to uplift each individual to realize their potential for human genius. Therefore, each individual is valued and supported no matter what their background or position in society. It takes people of all types and all occupations to make the society function, so why would a king be more valuable than a farmer? In order to be successful, the society must make the evolution of every individual its priority. This is the goal of Kemetic Culture.
The modern system set each of us against each other to compete for the fortune and fame that the system has set for us to value. In this system, the well being of our neighbor is not a concern. Therefore, whatever evil we have to commit to achieve the desired material and social status is acceptable. This is how we can have a group of people suffering right next to a group of people with more than they need. This is how we can have one group of people conning and exploiting or outright destroying another group of people. This is why we can have millions of people contributing to the destruction of the world, happily, as long as their own waste doesn't end up in their own back yards.
Zuira meaning "Adored by Ra"
Kemetic Culture educates each individual to act for the sake of everyone. For the Kem, the goal is preservation of life, to live in harmony with all other life on the planet. Each individual sees himself as a small part of a greater whole and, for the sake of his own well being, does not commit acts that will be destructive to anyone or anything. By uplifting ourselves, we uplift each other. Our success comes to the benefit of our surroundings, if not, anything we see as a success is really a failure.
Our newest graduating class has shown its commitment to becoming part of the Kemetic Society that we are building at The Earth Center.These initiates have shown this commitment by making the paradigm shift necessary at the first level. To do this, each of them has put their emotions on the side, as every value, every habit has been questioned and, many times, torn down and rebuilt to fit the Kemetic paradigm.
Sahmaat meaning "Son of the goddess Ma'at"
Because it is the Kemetic Society's goal to build each individual's quality, each member of the society must adopt the values and qualities of a Kem. These values and qualities are clearly defined and very rigid. This rigidity becomes the greatest obstacle to the seeker. It is such a great challenge to those of us who grow up with the mentality that we can define ourselves, our values, and our behaviors without knowing that these definitions are really being set by the system. The seeker must overcome this obstacle by first adopting the humility to allow these definitions to be questioned and ultimately redefined according to Kemetic Culture. This is a difficult task for each of us! We spend so many years living life a certain way only to find out that we have been fooled! We commend those who make the commitment to changing their lives.
Kezezra meaning "One who pays homage to Ra"
So much has been documented about the greatness of Kemetic Culture, but what is usually left out is the quality that each individual developed in order to make the collective so great. It is each individual's accomplishments that have preserved humanity and the Earth for tens of thousands of years, until the modern era. The community we are building at the Earth Center requires this same individual quality. Our common values are what allow our community to function harmoniously. We acknowledge those who have made this community life their priority. We acknowledge our brothers and sisters who have sacrificed their individual desires for the benefit of all. These graduates have succeeded at this where many others have failed.
Bikneteru meaning "Servant of the Gods"
We are proud to announce the Sakuhai generation. The name Sakuhai means protector of the source of light. Seven of the graduates attend classes at the Chicago School and the other three attend classes in Brooklyn. At the Chicago school, Semauiba Sakuhai, formerly Ronald "Sutukh" Crawford and Terwert Sakuhai, formerly Renee Mack have completed the Ka'at Ibi (Meditation) course and the first level of the Medu Myeet (Hieroglyphics). Zaneith Sakuhai, formerly Allison Young; Neziziyah Sakuhai, formerly Nadirah Bilal; Saimin Sakuhai, formerly Asad Leonard; Bikneteru Sakuhai, formerly Fred Stephens and Sheta'ankh Sakuhai, formerly Barry Riley have completed the Ka'at Ibi course. At the Brooklyn School, Zuira Sakuhai, formerly Tamara Matthews-Abdullah; Samaat Sakuhai, formerly Bilal Abdullah and Kezezra Sakuhai, formerly Veesha Dash have completed the Ka'at Ibi course.
Terwert meaning "One who makes great things"
Four of the ten graduates have shown an exceptional level of dedication. These individuals drive from other states to attend classes. They have not given themselves excuses based on the distances they have to travel. We welcome them and look forward to others following their example.
The classes offered by the M'TAM school are not academic classes where students must only repeat the information presented to them in order to earn a certain social status. It is not for students to "learn something about their culture" while remaining part of colonial culture. The M'TAM education is a reintroduction into humanity's ancestral culture. Each student must internalize their lessons in order to become part of the community. This is the only way that we will become free of the colonial system.
Sahimin meaning "Son of the God Imin"
The Medu Myeet class reintroduces students to the original language of humanity in its spoken and written forms. Learning this language helps the student to communicate in clear concepts. It's said that English is a language of liars. In English, we can change the meanings of words and hide the intentions of what we are saying because the language is so flexible. To speak Medu, one has to communicate in clear concepts and say exactly what one means so that there is no room for confusion. Carrying this logic into our use of English also helps us with our communication in general. Additionally, the Medu class includes a lecture portion in which the traps of the modern system are exposed. There are many historical examples presented to clarify the colonization process and to give us the tools to reclaim our lives.
In the Ka'at Ibi class, students learn movements, postures, and chants that stimulate the brain and condition the body to operate on a higher level. Many of these exercises are the predecessors to Yoga and other forms of meditation. The Ka'at Ibi class also includes a lecture portion in which students learn many spiritual concepts such as the process of reincarnation, the spiritual make-up of a human being, and the traditional family structure. Many lectures also focus on the vulnerability of the human being to corruption and evil and the conspiracies set to distract and exploit us.
Nezeziyah meaning "Flame of the Moon"
Both of these classes introduce the Kemetic Spiritual Model on which Kemetic Culture is built. This includes the Cosmogony, the original creation story of Uast (Thebes); the Holy Drama; story of humanity's ancestral Neteru (Gods) that sets our understanding of good and evil, and the Divine Code of Human Behavior or 77 Commandments that sets the forbidden territories for the human being seeking spiritual growth, quality, and harmony with existence. We learn of the role that our ancestors play in our lives, the importance of caring for them, and how to care for them. We learn how to purify ourselves and perform our daily spiritual activities to build our bonds with our ancestors and our spiritual strength. Through the story of the 19th of Tehuti, we learn that it is each human being's goal to become Divine Beings and that this is done through our adherence to the 77 Commandments and the perfection of ourselves. It is this perfection the Kemetic Society is designed to help each of us achieve.
The Earth Center also offers the Sounnt (Traditional Healing) class. This class teaches students the basics of the human body functions, disease diagnosis, and prepares students for apprenticeship to become healers. The Sounnt class teaches students to be able to assess the source of disease and to find a permanent solution to problems that arise in the body. Sounnt graduated may go on to become apprentice healers and eventually Ankhkasta healers themselves.
Sheta'ankh meaning "One who proclaims life"
The new graduates have heard the call of their ancestors: the call to return home. But their journey has only begun. As graduates, the expectations upon them will only increase as they will now begin to take on greater roles in the society. They will become the next generation of teachers, writers, healers, farmers, cooks, technicians, etc. of the Earth Center. As the community strengthens them, they strengthen the community and everybody benefits.
With ten new graduates there are ten more people on Earth committed to maintaining harmony with the Earth. There are ten more people who are committed to writing the best history for themselves, ten more servants to humanity and to their ancestors. May the ancestors and the Neteru continue to light the paths for these seekers of truth, as they light the path for those who follow in their footsteps. We hold onto it for dear life, as if life is not worth living without it.