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Holy Days or Holidays
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
Returning Home: Death of WSR
Our destiny is rooted in our origins but the modern world’s continual path of denial and disconnect from humanity’s origins only harms us. Is it surprising that we, as descendants of our Ancestors who lived by spiritual and moral laws, are now facing times of desolation and destruction in this modern world? This carelessness of the modern human to deny his/her spiritual roots and spiritual origins leads us to search for answers on our own and often times we can become misinformed or mislead.
Happy New Year
The original calendar of humanity is based on tracking the cycle of the Sirius Star because of the correspondence between this cycle and patterns of events, weather and energies on Earth. The beginning of the year is a favorable time for starting new activities, making new year’s resolutions, etc.
Tehuti 415: Kemetic New Year
According to the sidereal calendar seasonal New Year is also based on the rhythms of the Septet (Sirius) Star and occurs when the Star rises at approximately the same time as the sun. The sidereal calendar is the calendar that was used by the entire world before the invasions of religion and sects and is still used throughout the world today especially in traditional spiritual communities in Meritah (Africa).
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