Happy New Year
Mahata is the Goddess of cosmic harmony, truth, justice and moral integrity.
New Year’s Day, as it happens every year, is the day the Sun rises almost at the same time as the Sirius Star. According to the Gregorian Calendar, which most of us use, this recently took place on September 11th, 2015. The original calendar of humanity is based on tracking the cycle of the Sirius Star because of the correspondence between this cycle and patterns of events, weather and energies on Earth. The beginning of the year is a favorable time for starting new activities, making new year’s resolutions, etc. This time also corresponds annually with the rainy seasons and hurricane seasons in the tropics. with both of these in mind and make sure you fit in harmony with it. That’s what is missing in the modern world.
Through thousands of years of observing the universe, Kemet (Traditional African Civilization) built its knowledge of the cycles of the Earth, Sun, Moon and stars. The cycle of the Sirius Star was found to be extremely stable, in addition to the impact it has on Earth. The Sirius Star aligns with the Earth and Sun every 1,461 years. This event, referred to as the Heliacal Rising, creates a huge energetic disturbance on Earth which is often accompanied by environmental catastrophes. This 1,461 year cycle is known as the great year. This cycle breaks down into cycles of 1,461 days, which is exactly 4 years of 365 days + 1 day added to the end to keep track of the cycle. It is by copying this calendar that the Gregorian Calendar was created with the exact same number of days and a leap year every 4 years.
Mahata is the model for the Libra zodiac sign.
As we approach Columbus Day, we are reminded of the “discoveries” which have made our modern world what it is. The idea that stars and celestial bodies affect the energies on Earth has become very popular in what is now called astrology. Astrology is based on the Greco-Roman Zodiac; however, the origins of the Zodiac predate the origins of the Greek language by tens of thousands of years. It is well documented that all of the most celebrated Greek philosophers and leaders studied in the Kemetic temples of the Nile Valley region. These men took the knowledge back to the uneducated masses in Europe and used it to manipulate the populations there. By plagiarizing Kemetic Civilization, the Greek philosophers introduced written language, science, mathematics, etc. to Greece. The armies of this same society would later be led against Kemet for hundreds of years in quests to seize the power of the Pharaohship and be recognized as the leader of the world.
The Zodiac sign Leo is modeled after the Lioness Goddess Akeru.
By contrast, Kemetic Civilization is obsessed with the quest to discover and understand the Divine World. This is obvious to anyone who has seen even a few pictures of the massive statues of the Gods constructed in Kemet. The Kemetic people understood that the Divine influence in existence must be responsible for the maintenance of universal harmony, perfect and stable enough to produce the cycle of Sirius. The investigation of Divine influence in the universe did not begin or end with the discovery of the cycle of Sirius. The Kemetic priests also discovered that there are many Divine beings which manage elements of what we call time. They discovered Gods of months, Gods of weeks, Gods of hours, etc. The Gods of the months became known for their influence over every person born in the month which they govern. This is the origin of the notion of a Zodiac sign. The Gods of the Kemetic Zodiac were also associated with constellations. These constellations were charted and illustrated on the ceiling of the Kemetic Temple of Dendera.
The Greek Zodiac was based entirely on the Gods of the Kemetic Calendar. Later, the Romans created the Zodiac that we now know. Until today, even now that we are no longer subjects of the Roman empire, we still find the names of the Greek and Roman “Gods” haphazardly designated as the names of the planets and some of the months and days of the week. We also find huge followings of the Greco-Roman Zodiac and the science of astrology that stems from it. Millions of people faithfully study their horoscope readings and birth signs and use them as a basis for making life decisions. This level of confidence in the plagiarized copy speaks to the power of the original. But what has happened to the original?
The Zodiac sign Leo is modeled after the Lioness Goddess Akeru.
The Zodiac of the Temple of Dendera is currently on display in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. This museum openly advertises the fact that this Temple was a sacred site and a place of worship. The desecration of Kemetic Holy places is an ongoing atrocity now disguised as scientific research and archaeology. This practice is really considered the right of these European and Arab countries as part of the “spoils of war” in which the conqueror takes what he wants from the conquered. This is the philosophy of the social model of the modern day, a model of conquest and exploitation which was introduced nearly 3000 years ago in Greece. If we have faith that this model will ever lead to progress and enlightenment for humanity, we are fooling ourselves.
In Kemetic Civilization, which prioritizes the harmony of humanity with the Divine World which created us, the energies of the Earth are read to investigate the past, present and future. Every human being is an expression of the Earth. By tapping into the Earth’s energies, the professional can read the expression of any human being on Earth. One is also able to read the energies which govern a period of time and generate what we could refer to as a horoscope. This horoscope would provide information for anyone based on the time period of their birth. These readings benefit human beings who all have the difficulty of surviving in a dangerous world which is constantly changing. The energies and destinies which govern every human life must be frequently checked to ensure that the human’s course towards the Divine World is maintained.
This effort to ensure the wellbeing of every human being is the original purpose of human society. If we have not been convinced that this Greco-Roman society we live in shares the same goal as the model it has plagiarized, we now have the opportunity to reconnect with the original. Kemetic Civilization has been preserved and its original calendar and Zodiac are still accessible to humanity for those who seek it. Let us make the best of the energies that the new year brings.