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Kem Life Kasabez Maakmaah Kem Life Kasabez Maakmaah

A Tree and Its Roots

There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.

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Kem Life Nehez Meniooh Kem Life Nehez Meniooh

Holy Days or Holidays

There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.

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The Ancestral Path Menzeba Hasati The Ancestral Path Menzeba Hasati

Humanity's Freedom

What makes knowledge valuable is when it is applied to the consciousness of the individual in order to achieve enlightenment-- to become a good person. According to humanity's Ancestral forefathers, being good requires that our quality rise higher today than it did yesterday. To achieve such a feat, we need a reason as well as a guide to do so. When we seek the fundamental knowledge of human societies and behaviors, we find ourselves in Africa (Meritah) looking for the clues to human history.

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Volume 15.2, On The Ancestral Path Naba Iritah Shenmira Volume 15.2, On The Ancestral Path Naba Iritah Shenmira

Purpose of Initiation

Well, the type of knowledge we are really talking about and standing behind is actually the knowledge that is passed down to us by our elders, priests, and healers from the mystery schools in western Meritah. It’s an incredible component of knowledge transmitted from father to son, mother to daughter, and the elder generations to the younger generations through intense initiations.

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Kem Life Kasabez Maakmaah Kem Life Kasabez Maakmaah

Tehuti 415: Kemetic New Year

According to the sidereal calendar seasonal New Year is also based on the rhythms of the Septet (Sirius) Star and occurs when the Star rises at approximately the same time as the sun. The sidereal calendar is the calendar that was used by the entire world before the invasions of religion and sects and is still used throughout the world today especially in traditional spiritual communities in Meritah (Africa).

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Talking Drum (Current Events) Sepkanitah Khfnheru Talking Drum (Current Events) Sepkanitah Khfnheru

The Talking Drum: The Crying Ceremony

THE EARTH CENTER FAMILY comes together annually to honor our ancestors Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig and Khefira Hasati. Master Naba, Maakheru (truth teller), our teacher came to the United States with a mission to heal the minds of everyone here in the colonial diaspora. He brought to us the sacred wisdom of Traditional Spiritual Masters. With this knowledge the children of the colonial diaspora can set out to live a life of quality. This sacred information is under the protection of the ancestors that have preserved these teachings for over 2,500 years.

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Learn More About Us

A Kemetic Perspective provides a brief glimpse into many of the aspects of modern life and how it differs from the current Kemetic paradigm which in contrary to popular belief is not gone. What does the Kemetic paradigm look like today? Contact your nearest Earth Center and enroll in the initiation or learn about many of the other ways you can get involved.