Humanity's Freedom


What makes knowledge valuable is when it is applied to the consciousness of the individual in order to achieve enlightenment-- to become a good person. According to humanity's Ancestral forefathers, being good requires that our quality rise higher today than it did yesterday. To achieve such a feat, we need a reason as well as a guide to do so. When we seek the fundamental knowledge of human societies and behaviors, we find ourselves in Africa (Meritah) looking for the clues to human history. However, we tend to search everywhere else for some identity except for the place recognized even by the modern world as the mother of civilization. We search in the fields of science, religion, modern medicine, you name it. We search just about every field that boasts expertise of human history. But, if we are looking for knowledge of traditional culture and spirituality, we have to look to those who within the societies who are actively preserving this way of life. No matter the case, in our quest for a sense of self and identity, we are obliged to look at the societies who have preserved this knowledge without seceding to imperialistic motives. When we investigate human history in these civilizations, we will eventually find ourselves in the mystery schools of the Nile Valley. According to our Holy texts, the 19th of Tehuti is the most important day in the history of humanity.

The 19th of Tehuti marks the day a decision was made by the collective humanity to be civilized and good. This is the day we were questioned by the Divine World what our agenda as human beings would be and humanity replied that our goal would be to be like them, to re-create their world here. Such a commitment, as noble as it is, came with the sacrifice of having a standard of quality set by Gods. This model is what we know as the 77 Commandments, or The Divine Code of Human Behavior. Being given these commandments came with the promise that we would be good. This is what prevents a society of people who take pride in doing good things, as opposed to being good people. Doing good things from time to time doesn’t require a rise in one’s quality as a result of rigid spiritual principals. Doing good can simply rely on one’s emotions, the weather, the opportunity, you name it. Good deeds are driven by an emotional need to feel as though one’s idea of “good” is being fulfilled in the moment they decide to act on their idea of good or not act on their idea of evil. Being a good human being is an uphill spiritual journey that consists of abiding by the 77 Commandments and striving to preserve the territory of good within us at all times. It also frees us from our own or self-defined illusions of what is good or not. Humanity has a guide that tells us very clearly, if an action or behavior fits within this model, we can use it as a resource to elevate our spirit. If it does not, we avoid it at all costs.

Nowadays, everyone has their own idea of what it is or what it takes to be a good person, what is acceptable in the life we live, etc. However, if we take a look at the reality of our situation there is no idea that we can truly call our own. All of our ideas simply submit to the language we have those ideas in. If that language does not belong to where we are coming from, it’s more likely that our ideas or thoughts come from or someone else’s culture. As a result, we are bound to the values and thoughts/ideas that their language limits us to. If I think it is okay to kill my neighbor in self defense, or kill people in another country who are minding their business, it is because the values of those who gave me my language say so. It can be observed the way society's definition of good or bad changes even daily, depending on what works for the political or social benefit at that time. The 77 commandments are a standard not set by human beings, but by the Divine World which we see to be perfect. Abiding by this standard of good is what will qualify us to be acceptable to that world rather than a dreamer among humans. It gives us a chance to achieve purity and rise above the illusions of grandeur, ego and miseducation by the modern world.

These commandments, no matter how difficult they are to follow, are our freedom. They are what prevent us from living in the darkness of barbarism and ignorance. They free us from ever having to suffer as anything less than a human being on his/her quest for perfection and refinement. Being human is what makes these commandments hard to follow. By our nature alone, we are corruptible. It’s our corruptibility that even defines our humanity. But, if we don’t strive to fulfill the vow our Ancestors made to the Divine World, in response to their question as to what our purpose in this existence would be, we don’t have a way to be in harmony with nature. Being knowledgeable of the 19th of Tehuti and the history of humanity gives one the opportunity to rise to his/her fullest potential. They give us a means to fulfill the goal we will always have: to come as close to the Divine World as we possibly can.


Opportunity To Mobilize


Kemetic Holiday: Fish Day