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Humanity's Freedom
What makes knowledge valuable is when it is applied to the consciousness of the individual in order to achieve enlightenment-- to become a good person. According to humanity's Ancestral forefathers, being good requires that our quality rise higher today than it did yesterday. To achieve such a feat, we need a reason as well as a guide to do so. When we seek the fundamental knowledge of human societies and behaviors, we find ourselves in Africa (Meritah) looking for the clues to human history.
The Ancestral Path: Letter to Maakheru
My dear Master, if by chance you see Malcolm and Martin, please inform them that the situation of the negro has not yet improved, and it probably never will. The “Dream” has remained a dream. And upon waking, the reality is more unsettling than it was then. Even the brother in the White House did, or tried to do, what he thought needed to be done…
Building for the Future
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the start of a movement with great significance to all of humanity. Twenty years ago, the Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, began the mission of returning humanity to its original agenda.
The Greatest Goal
. In the initiatic camps of Meritah there is a saying, “when the messenger of death comes knocking, be sure you are ready”. How does one prepare for death?
Rebirth of Kem Culture
Until 20 years ago, Kemetic Culture was only accessible in secret initiations in remote parts of the world where these traditions have been protected by the survivors of Kemet. This changed with the opening of The Earth Center and the M’TAM School of Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality by Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig in 1996
On the Ancestral Path: The Words of Gods
“To affirm what is true and to want what is just is to preserve; but to affirm and to want the opposite is to destroy. When the individual discovers the truth and wants to operate justly, nothing resists him.“
The Origin Of The Sidereal Calendar
What we perceive in the universe is rhythm but what does this rhythm have to do with us? The rhythm of the universe can only have meaning to the human being if we can find it within the human being himself.
Decolonization With Initiation - Welcome The Kemma’atah Generation
BEFORE THE EUROPEAN (colonial) culture existed, there was a time when humanity was educated through traditional, initiatic schools of Kemet.
...Few Are Chosen
“Many are called but few are chosen...” Though these words originated with the ancestral traditions of Merita, this saying has become associated with modern religions and contemporary ad campaigns. As a result, those who listen to the plagiarizers of this statement fail to realize its profound meaning.
Entertaining Us To Death
Master Naba taught all of us here at the Earth Center that what defines a human being is what he/she will not do.
The Light of The Ancestors: Kem Integrity through M’TAM
It was Master Naba himself who stated, "Many will make the mistake of focusing on the finger of the guide who is pointing to the moon, instead of on the moon itself." They have proven that they understood, they have persisted on their path.
Learn More About Us
A Kemetic Perspective provides a brief glimpse into many of the aspects of modern life and how it differs from the current Kemetic paradigm which in contrary to popular belief is not gone. What does the Kemetic paradigm look like today? Contact your nearest Earth Center and enroll in the initiation or learn about many of the other ways you can get involved.