Letter from the Prophet
Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig (right), with Imaya Khefira Hasati (left).
It is with joy that the master, and we disciples, read the letter which was addressed to Him. He was so happy to receive a letter from a child, a disciple, expressing the realities of the living just as if we, the departed, weren’t aware of what’s going on with you guys from where we are. In any case, we have the hope that you will be content to receive some wisdom from us in order to face your sad and pitiful realities. But one thing we would like you to understand, first of all, is that mysticism doesn’t have a place in the way you dialogue with us. Because we are real, just living in another dimension different from yours - a dimension that you can’t perceive - and it’s so easy for you to look at the situation and think there’s some mysticism between you and us… but there’s not. The Maakheru charged me to transmit this to you because he, as you may know, is so busy helping us who lived our lives according to the lies of the new order, and is still dedicating himself to assist all of you (who still chase the same lies).
The happiness expressed above is not about the content of the letter we received, rather it’s more about the realization of the knots existing in your life that really need to be untied so that humanity can advance in the light of the Gods and Ancestors. Whether you choose to believe it or not, we, having been living beings at one time, know exactly what you are chasing. But remember: The becoming of the human race is rapidly declining and the awakening of the human psyche is more and more uncertain. Only a human with a strong spirit - but also submitted to discipline and humility imposed by existence and the becoming of the existence - will see the gates that will lead them toward us.
The Maakheru charged me to relay this message to you:
I lived in the reality of your world for some time. I got enough of it. I went back home to where I’m from and finally decided to rejoin my Ancestors - those who granted me the privilege to live in your world and reeducate you in the way that you will wake up one day and realize some people lived before you and learn how to honor them. I taught you all discipline, humility, and courage. I knew, after me, you would be too emotional and angry with yourself to the extent where my message will not reach everyone in humanity. Now I received the message from you talking about the reality of humanity. We, in the underworld, see your lives and the only thing we can do for you is wish for you to wake up and apply the discipline of your Ancestors.
I warned you with many proverbs. I warned all of you. When the sun is setting and you are trying to guide a chicken into its coop, and those chickens fight you, let them go. They’re the ones to be walking into the darkness. And whatever they find in the darkness will be a reward for their lack of discipline and lack of humility.
There is no single or frozen method for a disciple trying to manage her or his becoming. Some are apt for loyalty and belief and some are predisposed for fighting to reach the proximity of the Divine. Following the path of your leader, your master, or your Ancestors will get you closer to the Divine. This is what humanity needs. You sent me a letter talking about racism, belief, misconception, and barbarism that has overtaken the human race.
As we say, “When something is broken, you go step by step in order to fix it.” Because it’s easy for something to break, but it takes patience, hard work, and knowledge to fix it. The state of the living is concerning for sure. It’s concerning in the way you all talk, in the way you all think, in the way you all see, and in the way you all behave. But be the messenger. Be the messengers to the world that there are still holes to fill in everyone’s destiny. The blame is not on the one helping you or the one not helping you. The blame is on each of the living for not taking the responsibility or moving in the way of the Divine and Ancestral order. I brought to you all - and taught you - what your fathers, your mothers, and the fathers and mothers before them, didn’t have the opportunity to be taught. Now you are building bridges over us, the underworld realm, hoping to reach the Divine without us.
Life has its beginning and its end. All of those enlightened spirits (whether philosophers, gurus, masters, revolutionaries, civil rights activists, etc) that you asked me about in your letter did what they had to do, whether humanity appreciated it or not. Nevertheless, the human genius still needs more. They are here with us now. I see them, they see me. Many look up and feel disappointed even though they tried to write good histories for their people: red people, black people, white people, yellow people, you name it. All are becoming the disgrace of their kind. It’s easy to think you are right and you’re doing right. But as I always said, to be human means to have discipline; And to have discipline implies that one day you will be able to leave your own crib and avoid being a stagnate spirit.
At least Martin, Malcolm, Marcus, and Mahatma tried to pave the path for their people. They just didn’t have the necessary tools to pave that path. Now we observe your life, and it’s disgusting. You live like animals nowadays. And you live like how an animal cannot even live. You’re moving through life like beings that are less than animals. No principles. No brain. No goal, if it’s not just money, material, drugs, alcohol, entertainment, perversion...
My advice is still the same. Corruption goes downhill. If you feel good about one thing, know you are being corrupted. The principles of SETH are becoming more and more conquering. Keep fighting against your own weaknesses and your own perversion. Don’t look at your leader and think your leader is the one leading you astray. Because if they were in fact wrong, there wouldn’t be a way for us to see them around down here where we are. You all are becoming evil by allowing evil to take over your spirit and your heart. Why do you think you can kill, destroy, and break principles for your own survival and then expect us to stand behind you? No. We stand behind those who stand where we’re standing. And we march with those who march the way we were marching. Our gates will be accessible to them. We will give them the opportunity to fetch wisdom and intelligence from our world to serve their destinies. On that note, don’t be anxious or surprised about this state of your kind.
Every river has its source and that source is the one feeding the intensity of the current. And a river that chooses its direction lives with that choice forever. Some people will see themselves guided to a master or to a set of discipline. Some choose their master or their discipline. In either case, if the individual is sincere and honest with himself or herself, the power of all powers of existence will become within them. Because the alchemy/chemistry leading to that is the order of the universe.
To close for now, I wish for everyone to plant the seeds that suit them and avoid blaming the Earth, the universe, or the entourage for not harvesting what they want.
As a master who fulfilled his destiny during his lifetime, you chose me among many others with the desire for me to lead you to where I’m coming from. And I’m right now where I’m coming from. Grab your walking stick. The journey is uphill. Keep holding high the discipline and I will be there to assist you so you can assist humanity into recovery.
Well, to move forward you will have to start from where you’re standing. And if you’re standing in the mud, know you have to get out of that mud. We, your fellow hat teni and hat myee in the IMENTET who departed before you, are sending our encouragement and dignity on the path of WSR. On that note, we never got a chance to thank you for all of the offerings and sacrifices you made on our behalf. So thanks.
Khefira HASATI
From the IMENTET (World of the Dead)
Presenting the Wasseker Generation. Meerly Jerome passed away before graduating with her spiritual brother Meramsu.