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Kemetic Life Current Events The Ancestral Path Survivors Notebook Art For Thought Vault of Archives
Stop Killings in Africa
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
Gratitude – The Kemetic Fasting Period
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
On the Ancestral Path - Initiatic Misconceptions
Letting go of the paradigm that was instilled in us since our birth is not an easy thing to do. All of the perceptions, ideals, values, beliefs, notions and ideologies that have made their bed within our conscience make it difficult to accept any “new” realities that may expose us as misguided, mis-educated and ignorant individuals. Being conditioned from birth to adopt the history and values of other cultures without first embracing our own has and will continue to lead us further away from the true essence of our spiritual nature.
The Challenge to Improve the Self
The graduating students hail from the New York branch of The Earth Center. They are Hatnima Shemzura (formerly Gordon Reneau), Jazra Shemzura (formerly Jennifer Zachariah), Kefaibra Shemzura (formerly Menelik Livingstone), and Hamiba Shemzura (formerly Brandon Glaude). “Hatnima” translates as “Body of Truth”, “Jazra” translates as “Ra Commands”, “Kefaibra” translates as “Loyal to Ra”, and “Hamiba” translates as “Shining Soul”. The generation’s name as a whole is “Shemzura”. This means “Followers of Ra.”
Defending An Honorable Legacy: The Real Black History
Each year when February comes back around, the mainstream American culture somehow manages to get away with promoting "black awareness" through learning, remembering, and celebrating "black history," while continuing to promote the same exact "black heroes" and "black history milestones" over and over again. But as unfortunate as it may sound, the origination of black history month really only has room for the acknowledgment of the history of blacks from the point of enslavement to the present.
What is News?: Excision the Right to Decide
Our traditional cultures are rich with knowledge and wisdom. The continent of Merita (Africa) provides an exceptional example of this heritage due to the ability of its traditional cultures to withstand assimilation into an industrial or consumer society. Despite worldwide recognition of the importance of these cultures, a hypocritical position is taken by those that herald these cultures yet condemn their practices.
The Day of Tehuti: A Way To Live A Life With Purpose
When brought into this world, we are all in the same position. We are completely susceptible to the circumstances that have been put there before us. As human beings we do not have the capabilities to invent, we can only copy what we see based off of the perception that we have. Whether these circumstances are helpful or damaging can be based on who put them there for us, what their agenda is and how that falls in line with society. Due to this vulnerability, it can be observed that the region of the world you are from and the values that are a part of that society will be all you know and shape how you live your life.
On the Ancestral Path : What Are We Holding On To?
An individual born and raised within this modern society will find that the Kemetic paradigm is far more difficult to grasp than one can imagine. It has become so foreign to us that we sometimes don’t see the purpose behind the value it carries in relation to the values we have been conditioned to hold as true.
Graduation: The Call to Return Home
In the M'TAM education system, we say that the difficult part is not learning something new. The hardest part is saying goodbye. As initiates, our first priority is the paradigm shift that must take place. For this, we will have to say goodbye to many of the habits, values, mentalities, and even people in our lives. In the colonial world, we have been conditioned in a certain way that enables others to control us. The individual in the modern society has simply been hijacked and is being led to his own destruction without even knowing it.
Survivors Notebook: Bittersweet A Testimonial
I've been so attached to the feeling I get from eating sugar that I've been willing to overlook all of the problems that it causes. Like we also say, "self-destruction comes with a sense of pleasure.”
Return of the Exodus Army
The Najwa Dance Corps followed with three traditional dance pieces accompanied by a traditional drum ensemble of djembe and dundun players. The beauty of traditional African dance by the women and girls brought a remembrance of my first pilgrimage to Africa and the dancing on the rooftop in Segou in Mali.
The Kemetic Diet Part II
In Kemetic Culture, meals are eaten from communal dishes. Everyone eats from the same plates and bowls and they eat their food with their hands.
An Enduring Accomplishment
The Earth Center of Maanu proudly presents its 14th generation of graduating initiates. The Fyeteq generation has completed their first level of initiations on their path towards growth and enlightenment.
The Grinch Who Stole Black History
We understand that there is a history beyond Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, George Washington Carver and so on. There is a history that dates back further than slavery. But every Black History Month, thanks to the media, this is what is presented to us on the television and radio stations.
Defending An Honorable Legacy: The Rise of a Revolutionary
Sankara's leadership demonstrated to people around the world that working, common, and traditional people hold the power that colonial politicians feed off of. His zeal and courage mobilized millions to fight for what belongs to them, and to question the system that has gained its riches and influence from mass exploitation.
Protecting Our Fathers Work
Priesthood is a very serious work that is not done for money or fame. It is something that men and women are called to and obligated to by the very blood that flows through their veins.
Natural Childbirth (Part 2)
Ultimately, the gift and duty that we have as the bearers of life cannot afford to be exploited or diluted. "Seize the opportunity to be fully connected to the experience of giving birth naturally to your child.
Love, Hate and the Nuclear Solution
While shared values and strong bonds are one aspect of a stable community, it is the values that determine a civilized community from a barbaric one.
Instead of depending on our own brothers, we pride ourselves on depending on the system that does nothing but laugh at us.
Learn More About Us
A Kemetic Perspective provides a brief glimpse into many of the aspects of modern life and how it differs from the current Kemetic paradigm which in contrary to popular belief is not gone. What does the Kemetic paradigm look like today? Contact your nearest Earth Center and enroll in the initiation or learn about many of the other ways you can get involved.