Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Fishing In Troubled Waters

If we are to maintain our personal stability, we must understand that the modern world does not have any miraculous solutions to our problems, whether they are philosophical, spiritual, or otherwise. This system did not hide its identity, except to individuals who refuse to see it for what it is. While other cultures are designated by names like primitive, ancient, classic, polytheist, pagan, etc, the one in which we are living calls itself modern!

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Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The God Vs. The Gods

It is up to the human being and only to the human being, not to drown in barbarism, but our tendency to confuse our emotional momentums with intelligent thought places us in a spiritual position that is very unfavorable

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Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Downhill Path

In our teachings at The Earth Center, we've often presented to students what we call the animalistic memory. The principle of the animalistic memory is very simple to imagine; if we accept the fact that the human being only inspires from what he has been exposed to, then we can say that the actions that we lay are in reality the expressions of what we know.

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Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Original Fasting: Kairika 27

It is very important for the individual who is interested in the origins of our thoughts as humans today to understand that, when the Greeks and Romans wanted to introduce new doctrines to the world, they found a world that was already full and without any empty room for philosophical creation. This didn't leave any other choice to these young people, thirsty for adventures and willing to influence the destiny of the world, but to try to "reinvent the wheel". This means to try to re- create the world of their dreams from the same basis as the preexisting elements.

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions

Reviving Authentic Medu Through Music

While people across the globe may now speak English, French, Zulu, Hausa, Chinese, Mayan, etc., there is one original language that was spoken by all of humanity: Medu. The Medu language is known by the layperson as Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs and is thought to be a dead language, but this is a false assumption.

It is in this spirit that Robert Lee Irving I, a.k.a. Baabe, decided to introduce the authentic Medu language to the masses in his newest CD Hezu Em Medu Rey Kemet (Songs in the Language of Kemet) by the African Arts Ensemble, "This is a beautiful language that was actually spoken by the Pharaohs of Ancient Kemet (or Egypt, as the Greeks renamed it).

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Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions

Spirit Transformation

One of the first things we learned in the Ka'at Ib class of M'TAM education is that there is no room for beliefs and emotions on the path to the Divine world.

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Herbal Healing Rachel Naba Herbal Healing Rachel Naba

Cayenne - Heated Healing

It grows in the tropics of Africa and the Americas, and it has been prized for thousands of years for its healing power. From simple problems to more serious healing, cayenne pepper is a very useful herb. Herbalists have known for some time of the benefits of cayenne pepper, but modern scientists are just discovering uses of cayenne recently.

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Rachel Naba Rachel Naba

Illness From Fragrances: Is Your Signature Scent Making You Sick?

We are taught that if we want to be pretty, we must smell pretty. If we want to be successful, we must wear the scent of success. The perfume or cologne chemicals that we apply to our skin are not only absorbed and stored in fat tissue, but it is released into the air and is breathed into our lungs, our children's lungs, and our neighbor's lungs.

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In Search of the Gods Firefly Productions In Search of the Gods Firefly Productions

Coming Closer To The Divine - Part Two

The role of the ancestors cannot be omitted from the equation, for without their intervention in the life of every human being, it will be virtually impossible to access the divine world. It is from this standpoint that we shall begin our attempt to understand their roles and how they affect the destiny of every human being.

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Spotlight Firefly Productions Spotlight Firefly Productions

Haitians Unite: Fonkoze: The Bank For The Poor

"When the fire-flies shine the way for one another, we will all succeed at developing the country." In our modern rat-race, we often lose sight of the big picture: we need each other. Regardless of how the modern human being fights this idea, we cannot escape its truth. Yes, we need each other to survive.

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BENBEN Firefly Productions BENBEN Firefly Productions

African American English/Ebonics"What It Is"

African-American English or what is commonly know as "Ebonics" has its roots in the pidgin English spoken by West Africans during the slave trade During the time of slavery, it was commonplace and even advisable for Africans of different languages to work together on a single plantation, these Africans were hard pressed to develop a means by which to communicate with their slave owners and fellow Africans.

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions

The Trap Of Time

For most of us, the division of time on which we have been functioning is seen as normal, universal, and correct; as we look further into the concept of time division, however, we find that the system on which we are functioning may in fact be none of these things.

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The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Cosmic Energies & Human Survival

The Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian philosophies have nibbled humanity like gangrene while basing their legitimacy on the emotional aspect of the human being instead of the strength of their argument and intelligence of the ideas they project. The creation of a utopian society, even though it gives to the human being a chance to test his abilities and ingenuity, becomes a dangerous adventure if taken out of the context of a game in which we participate just to spend time.

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