Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Social"Why’s" And "Because's"

There is no excuse for a crime. As the M'TAM wisdom says, "If you kill the Devil, he is not the Devil. You just proved that you can be worse than him...you are the Devil."

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Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Oddessy of Bataou Part Two

If the existence can be considered as a battlefield, while the force of evil arrives with all its arsenal capable of destroying the human being and being protected by its own immortality, the human being is only armed with his will to survive the evil and his ability to resurrect.

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Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Dualistic Principles

The relationship between the emotional space and the rational space is one of the most interesting factors that affect the becoming of the human being. Throughout the entire history of humanity, there has not been a technique that could allow the individual to establish a clear border between what we thought and what we felt.

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Nehez Meniooh Nehez Meniooh

Word, Sound, Power

The system that controls the names controls the person. It is time we took back the responsibility for our identity and our lives. It is time we understood to put such an important task in the hands of another is to put our lives in their hands.

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Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions


The spiritual journey is a constant uphill path that requires hard work and discipline. On this path, there is much struggle and frustration. We constantly come face to face with challenges. The Earth Center provides us with the tools to overcome these challenges

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Herbal Healing Rachel Naba Herbal Healing Rachel Naba


The general rule in Herbology is: "If anything is broken, use Comfrey." Also known as Knitbone, Bruisewort, and Woundwort, this herb is best known for its ability to heal broken bones and wounds. Fresh, clean comfrey leaves can be used as a poultice to treat broken bones, sprains, sore joints, and wounds.

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions


Initiates reflections on the concept of love

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions


The choice between conventional and organic foods is always the consumer's. Spending more money on organic foods is a tough choice, especially in today's strained economy. Consumers should be well-informed before they go out and buy their next fruit, vegetable, or meat product, considering organically grown foods are a greater option for our health and our environmental well-being. Make an effort to do your own research.

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Root Tones Robert "Baabe" Irving III Root Tones Robert "Baabe" Irving III

Music Therapy

The brain or rather the subconscious is more receptive to input in the alpha state, thus, memory retention is enhanced. When addressing a client's problems with sound healing, this is an important factor, as a practitioner will want the patient to be completely receptive to the "sound prescription".

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BENBEN Latranei Gaibole BENBEN Latranei Gaibole

Eunoto - Becoming An Elder

The Eunoto Ceremony is not a secret ritual - in fact, hundreds of people will attend the event. This ceremony is a very important step in a man's life, as it is an event with great spiritual meaning.

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions

LIES Doctors Tell Us

The modern medical system, being an enormous business with huge profit margins, has an interest in keeping public trust, and the system will do anything to maintain its authority, including lies. The modern medical system is a few hundred years old, but claims to have a monopoly on health and illness. Their new technologies seem impressive and useful, and the public tends to have complete faith in modern medicine.

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions


According to Kemetic initiatic teachings, there are many dimensions to a human being. A human being is not just a body and "soul", but a complex being with up to nine different components that make him a complete human. Each of these components plays a vital role and is necessary if one is to live a life that is completely human.

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Earth Talk Firefly Productions Earth Talk Firefly Productions

Neo-Slavery: The Modern Plantation

While the ball-and-chain days of slavery are no longer legal in this country, we are still slaves to this system, as most of us are forced to work 40+ hours a week just to cover our basic food, clothes, and shelter needs, with nothing left over to develop our own businesses or progress economically.

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Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba

Osteoporosis Alternative Treatments

Prevention of osteoporosis is important and can be accomplished by lifestyle and mental adjustments. One must be active in order to preserve and strengthen the bones. African healing recommends walking (in traditional Africa where there are no cars and only a handful of bikes, walking is a routine part of every day it puts pressure on bones, which will strengthen them, while trying the muscles and the heart

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