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The Dog & Pony Show
This “smoke and mirrors” makes it very difficult to see the difference between something that will help us solve our problems and a distraction.
Dakota Access Pipeline: The Last Stand?
Where will this end? Will we even see the necessity to consider what the implications of these pipelines could be and further how their resistance is relevant to us?
Justice Or Else
Many say it was one of the most historic organizing and mobilizing events in the history of Black people in the United States. But what were its objectives, what did it produce, what are the organizational products, and how are the people closer to their goal of justice?
Flint water crisis: Throwing our lives down the drain
The obvious ill effects of polluting drinking water might seem like a common sense thing to most thinking people. However, from what we can observe of the travesty unfolding in Flint, Michigan currently getting major news coverage, this obvious reality seems to be lost on the modern industrial entities.
Boko Haram Crisis: Religious Extremism in Meritah
Boko Haram, an Islamic Jihadist organization based in North-East Nigeria, is opposed to western education and the westernization of Nigerian society. I
The Talking Drum: Veronica Brown
Recently in the media, a story about a four year old girl named Veronica Brown and her father Dusten Brown has made headlines. Dusten Brown, from the Cherokee Nation, has been fighting for the right to maintain custody of his daughter who was put up for adoption without his knowing by his ex-fiancé.
What Is News?
Within the span of the last 100 years there has been an imigration of people from countryside to cities. The result of this migration was the industrialization of the workforce. People have moved away from their land and into cities, no longer working on their farms but working in factories and now offices. This changed peoples’ needs and how their needs were met.
What Is News? - Guantanamo Illinois
The Eastern banks of the Mississippi in Northwestern Illinois have been the setting for much American travesty. How long this continues depends, solely, on the Americans who wield power over them.
NAGPRA's Hawaiian Controversy
In 1990, The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act was passed. This act provides mechanisms for museums to return human remains, funeral objects and sacred objects to the Native communities where they originated.
Farmland or Factory Site?
The people of Singur have halted construction work at the new plant through a combination of political pressure and protests. These actions have forced the government to return to the negotiating table with Tata Motors to revisit the compensation offered to the people of Singur farmers.
Murder By Any Other Name
The United States government has committed every kind of atrocity to further its goals. This statement is not something that most Americans would find controversial, especially the descendants of chattel slavery.
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