Lambs of Slaughter
Actually, humans and animals (four-legged) share more similarities than differences. One of the more pronounced similarities is seen in how both species can easily be led to their slaughter with little or no resistance.
A human being's ability to exercise a logical reasoning process is the only characteristic that clearly defines the separation between the human and animal species. If not for this differentiation, which often goes unnoticed, one would have a difficult time explaining why humans are considered the most intelligent creatures on the planet, especially if the current state of the Earth is used as evidence to argue against this claim.
Actually, humans and animals (four-legged) share more similarities than differences. One of the more pronounced similarities is seen in how both species can easily be led to their slaughter with little or no resistance. All it takes is for the victim to be exposed to a specific consistent physical and/or mental conditioning from the moment of birth that is in accordance with the objective of the victimizer. It is this same conditioning that those who have colonized the world have been using for millennia.
The success of such a tactic relies heavily on the victim’s inability to reason or logically assess the situation he is facing. Therefore, the conditioning would solely rely on/relies solely on creating in the victim a sort of reactionary response towards what is perceived. This tactic is effective whether the reaction is spontaneous or spans/takes place over a long period of time. This brief description defines any emotionally-driven entity. When the time comes for the victim to be led to slaughter, the victimizer really only has to do one thing in order to realize his goal; appeal to the emotions of his victim. This action will cause the victim to totally submit, legitimize and accept his own slaughter.
This is the only platform that politics and modern religions can use as a crutch on which to stand and survive. A perfect example that the reader can follow now, in real time, which will clearly expose how this process works is a recent discovery by Egyptologists a few weeks ago in modern day Egypt. Zahi Hawass, the head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities at the Cairo museum has confirmed the findings of the tombs of the builders of the pyramids in the Nile Valley. According to Hebrew and Christian theory, these structures were built by Hebrew slaves from Israel that were held in captivity under the order of the Pharaoh that eventually led to a sequence of many historic retaliatory events by the Jewish god and the great exodus out of Egypt that was led by Moses, who also supposedly introduced the Ten Commandments to the world within this same time frame. Mr. Hawass, who is said to be one of the most respected in his field, stated that, "These tombs were built besides the King’s pyramid, which indicates that these people were not by any means slaves. If they were slaves, they would not have been able to build their tombs besides the King’s. They were paid laborers, rather than the slaves of popular imagination”.
Now, just for the record, this “discovery” is something that the indigenous people of the African continent were aware of the entire time. Nonetheless, the validity of this recent discovery comes to challenge the hidden political and religious agenda of those powers who are still leading their victims to slaughter as "it was written" and introduced to the world as "historical facts".
For the reader who is capable of assessing and reasoning, this presents an opportunity to further investigate these recent findings and re-orient your self in accordance to the realities of this spiritual deception. Your reorientation must have the goal of steering your life back towards the ways and values of your ancestors and no longer willingly accepting a path to slaughter, as our behavior has so evidently displayed. But for the reader, who chooses to feel rather than think (specifically those who adhere to the teachings of the bible and/or qur'an), you will simply not see the importance of the implications of these current findings in Egypt or you simply won’t care, even if your entire belief system is based on this particular religious corruption. Which in turn means your long, slow walk to slaughter will continue and you will play the role of an active or passive accomplice in leading others in the same direction of the slaughterhouse.
Let it be noted that it is the intention of this writer to only express spiritual honesty within the contents of this article, as I understand it from a cultural perspective, and not to pass judgment.
Although these recent findings appear to be very newsworthy, until now it has failed to be publicized as an important archeological event. This makes sense if we consider that the bible would have to be rewritten in order to legitimize and perpetuate the farces surrounding this biblical account. Although this has been done many times before, it would be easier to just sweep it under the rug as we are currently witnessing what’s being done now. The irony of this entire realization lies in the fact that the same people (Jewish) that introduced these false historical accounts of Egypt and their enslavement are the same people who currently own and control all of the world’s major media outlets… interesting huh?
But what is even more interesting is the fact that there are millions of Black people worldwide who are faithfully devoted to and sincerely identifing with the teachings of the bible and more surprisingly, the supposed enslavement of the Jewish people even more than we identify with our own enslavement and oppression or our ancestral values. We are observing the negative consequences of the absence of such fundamental values on a daily basis and have yet to collectively acknowledge the mental handicap of this reality.
I think it is safe to say that we are in denial of who we are and where we stand culturally. Just like with any problem one wishes to overcome, he must first admit there is a problem. This calls for the individual to exercise a certain amount of humility, but it’s a fairly easy thing to do if one truly wants to move forward and become something better than he was yesterday. Until we can grasp a solid understanding of the honesty that is necessary in the self evaluation process, unfortunately we will continue to be lambs of slaughter. Where is the pride in that