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On current events, Kemetic culture, history, politics, society, health, and spirituality.
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Returning Home: Death of WSR
Our destiny is rooted in our origins but the modern world’s continual path of denial and disconnect from humanity’s origins only harms us. Is it surprising that we, as descendants of our Ancestors who lived by spiritual and moral laws, are now facing times of desolation and destruction in this modern world? This carelessness of the modern human to deny his/her spiritual roots and spiritual origins leads us to search for answers on our own and often times we can become misinformed or mislead.
Tehuti 415: Kemetic New Year
According to the sidereal calendar seasonal New Year is also based on the rhythms of the Septet (Sirius) Star and occurs when the Star rises at approximately the same time as the sun. The sidereal calendar is the calendar that was used by the entire world before the invasions of religion and sects and is still used throughout the world today especially in traditional spiritual communities in Meritah (Africa).
Internal Cleansing Of The Body
Many people do not realize that the body itself requires maintenance. It is not enough to “eat healthy” or “exercise regularly.”
Positive Vibrations
It is said that there is no bigger sign that the house is in trouble than when one has to go outside to find peace.
BEFORE YOU PLANT: The Top 5 Questions To Ask Yourself
If you’ve been considering starting a garden this year, now is the time to start planning. If this is your first time starting a garden, here are some basic questions to ask before you start.
Rebirth of Kem Culture
Until 20 years ago, Kemetic Culture was only accessible in secret initiations in remote parts of the world where these traditions have been protected by the survivors of Kemet. This changed with the opening of The Earth Center and the M’TAM School of Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality by Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig in 1996
Advancing Civilization
The concept of good and evil is not a human invention. Since this is not apparent in the animal world, we have to conclude that the idea came from somewhere else…
The Notion Of Good
BEFORE I JOINED the Earth Center, I thought I had a clear idea of what was right and what was wrong.
Decolonization With Initiation - Welcome The Kemma’atah Generation
BEFORE THE EUROPEAN (colonial) culture existed, there was a time when humanity was educated through traditional, initiatic schools of Kemet.
Touch The Earth
In order to survive, humanity must maintain harmony with the Earth. We must return to the Earth. We can learn the process and value of staying in harmony with the Earth through the knowledge and teachings of our ancestors in Kemet.
Of Vital Importance
It is not experience that makes youth valuable, it is the vitality. One can then understand the value of elders, and the need for both.
Conclusions Written In Sand
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
The Struggle for Harmony: Welcome the Zeshera Generation
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
Origins of Fasting
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
Pen Renut – Kpekhan
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
Caring For Humanity: A Kem Graduation
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
The Challenge to Improve the Self
The graduating students hail from the New York branch of The Earth Center. They are Hatnima Shemzura (formerly Gordon Reneau), Jazra Shemzura (formerly Jennifer Zachariah), Kefaibra Shemzura (formerly Menelik Livingstone), and Hamiba Shemzura (formerly Brandon Glaude). “Hatnima” translates as “Body of Truth”, “Jazra” translates as “Ra Commands”, “Kefaibra” translates as “Loyal to Ra”, and “Hamiba” translates as “Shining Soul”. The generation’s name as a whole is “Shemzura”. This means “Followers of Ra.”
The Day of Tehuti: A Way To Live A Life With Purpose
When brought into this world, we are all in the same position. We are completely susceptible to the circumstances that have been put there before us. As human beings we do not have the capabilities to invent, we can only copy what we see based off of the perception that we have. Whether these circumstances are helpful or damaging can be based on who put them there for us, what their agenda is and how that falls in line with society. Due to this vulnerability, it can be observed that the region of the world you are from and the values that are a part of that society will be all you know and shape how you live your life.
Protecting Our Fathers Work
Priesthood is a very serious work that is not done for money or fame. It is something that men and women are called to and obligated to by the very blood that flows through their veins.
A Familiar Stranger
There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.
Learn More About Us
A Kemetic Perspective provides a brief glimpse into many of the aspects of modern life and how it differs from the current Kemetic paradigm which in contrary to popular belief is not gone. What does the Kemetic paradigm look like today? Contact your nearest Earth Center and enroll in the initiation or learn about many of the other ways you can get involved.