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Volume 15.7 Giziribtah Debasah Volume 15.7 Giziribtah Debasah

Fracking 101: The American Nightmare

GLOBAL OIL CONSUMPTION and natural gas consumption are at record levels and continue to escalate as more countries strive to modernize their societies. In the United States alone, we consume 19 million barrels of oil every day. That is equivalent to nearly 800 million gallons of liquid energy a day or 291 billion gallons per year.

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Volume 15.7, Talking Drum (Current Events) Khefisah Nejeser Volume 15.7, Talking Drum (Current Events) Khefisah Nejeser

The Talking Drum: Coal Mining in WV

Though the progress of the state of West Virginia has been reliant on the sacrifice of its natural resources, this land was once populated by those who were actually concerned with the preservation of the nature they relied on entirely for their survival. Until this day, the state still bears the mark of its indigenous history in the names of natural landmarks like the Kanawha River, named after the Kanawha tribe of Native Americans, and the Monongahela River, which means “falling banks” in the tongue of the Delaware tribe that came to occupy this land as well.

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Volume 16.1 SaMa'at Sakuhai Volume 16.1 SaMa'at Sakuhai

Civilizational Mobsters

Religious extremists have terrorized humanity for over 2500 years. I can’t think of any time or place where I’ve heard the word “mob”, and it’s notorious connotation, used in anyway positive or praiseworthy. Yet in the world of human interaction and societal interrelation, the battlefield of ideas, make this type of group the commonplace.

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Kem Life, Cover Story Djedka Zeshera Kem Life, Cover Story Djedka Zeshera

A Cross Cultural Look at Fasting

The diverse traditions that are found all around the world demonstrate the human being’s ability to adapt to their surroundings. Cultures around the world have been able to take what their surroundings have to offer, adapt, and ultimately create traditions to be followed for many generations.

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Volume 15.2 Peraheru Ziaweet Volume 15.2 Peraheru Ziaweet

Welcome The Menihepou Graduation

When we are born on Earth, we come as a baby. We are fragile, weak, and dependent on each other to survive. We only come with the blood of our fathers and the support of our Ancestors. We come in this world without choosing who we want to be. We come into this world without choosing our parents. We don’t even know how to walk, speak, or properly think for ourselves. Everything we do at that point is dependent on the guidance of another.

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Volume 15.2, On The Ancestral Path Naba Iritah Shenmira Volume 15.2, On The Ancestral Path Naba Iritah Shenmira

Purpose of Initiation

Well, the type of knowledge we are really talking about and standing behind is actually the knowledge that is passed down to us by our elders, priests, and healers from the mystery schools in western Meritah. It’s an incredible component of knowledge transmitted from father to son, mother to daughter, and the elder generations to the younger generations through intense initiations.

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Volume 15.2, Kem Life Nuineb Ziaweet Volume 15.2, Kem Life Nuineb Ziaweet

Returning Home: Death of WSR

Our destiny is rooted in our origins but the modern world’s continual path of denial and disconnect from humanity’s origins only harms us. Is it surprising that we, as descendants of our Ancestors who lived by spiritual and moral laws, are now facing times of desolation and destruction in this modern world? This carelessness of the modern human to deny his/her spiritual roots and spiritual origins leads us to search for answers on our own and often times we can become misinformed or mislead.

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Volume 15.1 Djedka Zeshera Volume 15.1 Djedka Zeshera

Humanity's Sacred Vow

The human brain cannot invent. If this is your first time hearing of this concept, like me, you’re probably saying to yourself “yeah, right”. But really, think about it for a moment. Slow down for a second and think about everything that humanity has created, all of the inventions, all of the accomplishments. I will give you a minute to let it sink in……

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Kem Life Kasabez Maakmaah Kem Life Kasabez Maakmaah

Tehuti 415: Kemetic New Year

According to the sidereal calendar seasonal New Year is also based on the rhythms of the Septet (Sirius) Star and occurs when the Star rises at approximately the same time as the sun. The sidereal calendar is the calendar that was used by the entire world before the invasions of religion and sects and is still used throughout the world today especially in traditional spiritual communities in Meritah (Africa).

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