Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Civilizational Conspiracies: Democratic Plots

Enslaved people free themselves from their colonizer through re-establishing their original way of existing. And since the evil in every people is found in the fact that other people impose a diktat on them, whether that diktat arrived to these people in the form of a dictatorship or a democracy, it does not change anything in the fact that somebody is denying to some people the right to exist as people with their own values and Gods to worship.

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Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Oddessy of Bataou Part One

The story I'm going to tell comes from the initiatic texts from the deep land of Itoure in the Valley of the Nile. A version of that text fell in the hands of the archeologists and they named it "The Two Brothers". The Odyssey of Bataou is a sacred text that comes to complete the Holy Drama

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The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Philosophy of the Sidereal Calendar

We can only notice our own notions of space and time when we compare our own position and cycle with another given space or cycle. In other words, what we call a world or a space only exists through a comparison with a space we are not occupying. What, then, will be our notion of time if the Earth stops its rotation, if the sun is no longer rising and setting, and if our breathing was not rhythmed by the time of inhalation and exhalation, or if our heart was not beating on a given rhythm, etc?

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Bikbaye Inejnema Bikbaye Inejnema

A Doctor's Experience With Natural Medicine

Slowly but surely, many people are starting to realize the benefits and results of using natural herbal medicines to remedy an array of numerous health malfunctions of the body. What is being projected as an enigma by the modern medical system for purposes directly linked to profiting from the financial gain and ignorance of those that put their lives in their hands, the modern system knows there are many other alternatives that can help solve health issues that they themselves cannot.

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions

Colonialism Through Maps

Our children are learning about the world in a classroom - a classroom that most likely uses the Mercator map and atlas. he World Map is a very important tool of social conditioning. Peter's social intent in releasing this map was to fight against the Mercator projection as it "over-values the white man and distorts the picture of the world to the advantage of the colonial masters of the time." It is time we begin to educate ourselves and our children rather than relying on the system to do it for us. The Peters Projection World Map is a great place to begin.

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Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions

Initiatic Misconceptions

Being aware of how we constantly defeat ourselves by allowing our ego to interfere with the step by step process of spiritual development, has caused me to be more observant and mindful of my own behavior.

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Herbal Healing Rachel Naba Herbal Healing Rachel Naba

Yellow Dock: Anemia Specialist

Yellow Dock roots have one of the highest iron contents in nature! While physicians and other medical practitioners steadily advise their patients with anemia to consume large amounts of iron tablets, midwives and other alternative health professionals remember that nature provides us with everything we need to help maintain health and combat disease.

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Rachel Naba Rachel Naba


More consumers are beginning to realize that our food is not the same healthy and wholesome food that our grandparents and great-grandparents ate and are becoming concerned about our health because of the impurities and chemicals in our food.

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Spotlight Firefly Productions Spotlight Firefly Productions

Comunidad Tawantinsuyu: Preserving Traditional Medicine

The main objectives of Comunidad Tawantinsuyu are to recover and preserve Traditional Medicine, to protect and preserve the environment, to promote the development of medicinal plants, herbs, nutritional products, and handicrafts, to preserve the cultural and spiritual values of native and rural communities, to restore and revalue archeological sites, to recover and implement ecological agriculture, and to preserve and promote cultural and artistic expression.

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Root Tones Robert "Baabe" Irving III Root Tones Robert "Baabe" Irving III

Music Therapy

What we refer to as modern music therapy and modern medicine has its roots deep in Ancient Kemet. It was also known that while certain types of music could have a positive effect that certain music could actually have an adverse effect.

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BENBEN Latranei Gaibole BENBEN Latranei Gaibole

Hindu Wedding

The goal of a Hindu marriage is to discharge religious and social duties, have sex, and procreate. Marriage provides a fertile ground for attaining prosperity and worldly pleasures, as well as an ideal place to achieve religious duty and salvation. A marriage is sacred and the man and woman become one in spirit. The traditional Hindu marriage is based on absolute mutual affection, compromise, and shared responsibilities.

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Earth Talk Firefly Productions Earth Talk Firefly Productions

Tweens in Trouble

We are rodents in a running wheel inside their cage that they call modern society, and we have turned a blind eye to their methods and madness for far too long. Not only are we unable to see the consequences that the modern system has on our lives, but we are blind to the enormous pressures on our children to conform to the destructive media-driven values that this society encourages.

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Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba

Breast Cancer: Alternative Treatments For Breast Cancer

Traditional African healing solves breast cancer very easily. Breast cancer does not come as a surprise - it always starts with inflammation. Herbs can be applied at signs of inflammation that will prevent cancer from developing. At this stage, eating pumpkin seeds (and seeds of the same family) will help. If the cancer develops further, more professional herbs are needed. Most of these herbs are applied externally.

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