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Bikbaye Inejnema Bikbaye Inejnema


The purpose is to show the reader how simple it is to comprehend this logic regarding survival.

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Baashu Tutsanai'i Baashu Tutsanai'i

What Is News?

Wherever you may live, a healthy ecosystem is good in every way.

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Kasabez Maakmaah Kasabez Maakmaah


If we can do better for the sake of our children

Then let us take every measure

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Naba Iritah Shenmira Naba Iritah Shenmira


I want to take it back to the land of upright people...

The Motherland or Death, we shall overcome!

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Ancestral Path Bikbaye Inejnema Ancestral Path Bikbaye Inejnema

Lambs of Slaughter

For the reader who is capable of assessing and reasoning, this presents an opportunity to further investigate these recent findings and re-orient your self in accordance to the realities of this spiritual deception.

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What Is News?

Within the span of the last 100 years there has been an imigration of people from countryside to cities. The result of this migration was the industrialization of the workforce. People have moved away from their land and into cities, no longer working on their farms but working in factories and now offices. This changed peoples’ needs and how their needs were met.

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Volume 8.3 Nehez Meniooh Volume 8.3 Nehez Meniooh

What is News?

Scientists were looking for sources of water in or­der to provide vital supplies for a manned moon-base. The centaur rocket which was propelled at twice the speed of a bullet was launched towards a crater close to the moon’s south pole. Scientists believe that ice could be trapped in the crater which never receives sunlight. Many NASA students and workers were very excited to watch the expected blast from their tele­scopes, however no debris clouds were visible as they had expected. Scientists state they have collected much data which now they are working to understand but much of their expectations were wrong.

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Kem Life Marrwho Hasati Kem Life Marrwho Hasati

A Familiar Stranger

There is no way to remove someone from a true spiritual system unless the system they are being forcibly subjugated into resembles the one they are coming from.

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Volume 8.2 Baheru Meniooh Volume 8.2 Baheru Meniooh

Mexico's Drug Wars

In M’TAM(the oldest Traditional Initiatic Education known to humanity), we are taught to observe a phenomenon in its many sequences which all contribute to the final outcome, because any one cause can be seen as the main contributing factor to a unknowing observer. We are conditioned by modern science and colonial education to usually perceive the last event in the chain of sequences as the cause of a phenomenon.

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A Kemetic Perspective provides a brief glimpse into many of the aspects of modern life and how it differs from the current Kemetic paradigm which in contrary to popular belief is not gone. What does the Kemetic paradigm look like today? Contact your nearest Earth Center and enroll in the initiation or learn about many of the other ways you can get involved.